Chibi Zoicite (Sailor Chibi Zoicite)

May 14, 2006 14:49

Special thanks goes to the anonymouse that gave this link to me.

Title: Hajimari! Chibi Zoisaito no henshin (The Beginning! Chibi Zoicite's Transformation) and Yami no senshi, Sailor Lightning toujou (A Senshi of Darkness, Sailor Lightning Appears) (Same link, but the one long link didn't look good.)
Writer: Chibi Zoi
Canon: Anime, except Zoisite is a woman
Rating: 3

Name: Zoicite AKA Chibi Zoicite or Chibi Zoi (Picture by Chibi Zoi)
Senshi Title: Sailor Chibi Zoicite or Sailor Chibi Zoi
Species: Spawnificus repulsivum
Hair: Golden copper, silky, long, held up in a ponytail with a sky blue hairtie
Eyes: Sparkling emerald green, large
Unusual Markings/Colorations: A gold crescent moon on her forehead.
Possessions: The Prism Cherry Compact, a gold locket with different colored crystals around the edges and a crescent moon shaped crystal in the middle that Taidoko gave her. It is her transformation item. The Cherry Spiral Rod that she uses to attack in her senshi form. Zoisite's earrings, which she gave her on her 4th birthday because she liked them so much. The Silver Crystal.
Guardians: Taidoko, a cat with sparkling emerald green eyes, black fur with a white belly and paws, a yellow ribbon, and a crescent moon on her forehead. She is also the spirit of Queen Serenity. (Picture)

Origin: The Dark Kingdom
Connections to Canon: Kunzite and Zoisite's daughter and Queen Serenity's niece. (Zoisite was her sister before she turned evil.) Pluto tells her that she is a senshi. She guards the Silver Crystal for Queen Serenity.
Senshi Outfit:Picture by Chibi Zoi
Basic: There is no description in the story.
Super (after a power-up from the Silver Crystal): "Layers of green, pink, and white made up her skirt, transparent puffy sleeves covered her shoulders, a black bow on the front of her uniform, holding the ginzuishou's heart shaped form securely in place as the short black bow attached to the back of her skirt gave way to two long, thin ribbons of green running all the way to the toes of her black boots with green lining and crescent ornaments. Her collar was green with pink lining, her white gloves lined with green, two crescent moon earrings decorating her ears as two hair clips, each with three feather-like tips, adorned both the left and right side of the top of her head. Finally, in place of her tiara, a shimmering golden crescent moon was in its place."
Senshi Moves:
Spiraling Cherry Ribbon Attack: A spiraling ribbon of stars comes out of the crystal on her wand, wraps around the enemy, and explodes in the shape of a giant crystal cherry blossom.
Silver Crystal Cherry Kiss: Not described, but it uses the wand and it creates a pink light.
Other Special Abilities: She can control cherry blossom petals and use them in attacks.
Cherry Link Chain: A chain of cherry blossom petals wraps around the enemy and lets out an explosion of energy, destroying it.
Fire Storm: Several rings of fire surround the enemy then set it on fire, destroying it.
Crystal Illusion: A spiral of cherry blossom petals surrounds the enemy and set off a geyser of ice, incases them in it.
Cherry Fire: Cherry blossom petals surround the enemy and release a column of fire.
An explosion of gold energy comes out of her moon marking if she's upset. She has prophetic visions in her dreams. She can teleport herself and others to another location.
Annoying Traits: Everyone uses Fangirl Japanese. There's more in the second story than in the first. She wears a schoolgirl uniform for no reason. "This child has the most dangerous mix of power you can imagin, that of light and dark, added to her carrying the Silver Moon Crystal within her and who knows the extent of her true powers if someone were to release it?" She turns into a Black Lady clone called Dark Zoicite. She changes back after she harms Pluto, who said that she wouldn't fight her.

Comments: When I first looked at the site, I immediately noticed how Kit/Sailor Lightning looks A LOT like Rosie from Mimi's "Thorn" and "As If!" comics. I don't think there was any theft involved though.

You know, I am pleasently surprised that the author didn't name her character Sakura. Especially since the author is one of those people who uses Fangirl Japanese when they're speaking. She sticks "wai wai" and one of those anime smilies in almost all of her sentences. It's extremely annoying.

However, Fangirl Japanese aside, I can't really give this one anything higher than a 3. The story is well written and Chibi Zoi, for the most part, acts like a 4 year old. (Though I am kind of creeped out by the thought of Kunzite and Zoisite acting like loving parents and calling a child "sweety".) She also has a few major screw-ups.


A servant poured a cup of cool tea into a shimmering crystal glass as another servant set down a tray of snacks and goodies for them to eat. Chibi Zoi reached out and took one. "One thing I don't get." she said as she took a bite.
Taidoko looked at her with a smirk. "Only one?"
She motioned towards Pluto. "If you're the guardian of time, and you can see everything, then why don't you just tell someone instead of letting it happen."
Sailor Pluto smiled at her. "It doesn't work that way, darling. I can't. It would alter things drastically if I did. As it is already, you've altered things by coming here."
"I did..? How?"
"Well, in your time, your parents are already home. They are looking for you."
"They are?"
She nodded, taking another sip of tea, showing her an image of them through her staff. "But they can't find you. They're worried. They'll do whatever it takes to get you back.. even bring about the destruction of the world."
Chibi Zoicite sat up in her seat. "Take me home then!" she demanded.
"I'm afraid I can't.." she looked down."Why?"
"I'm not allowed to interfear with the time lines. Even what I'm about to tell you could be dangerous. But no matter what happens, you have to get home yourself."
"Fine. I will." she said in a stubborn tone, leaping from her chairand grabbing Pluto's staff. It was surprisingly heavy, and for her short size, she struggled to run with it. But she managed somehow and kept running. She was going home.
Pluto simply watched. She didn't move as the child ran through the vast white marble halls. Taidoko nodded to her. She knew too. It wouldn't be long.
Chibi Zoi panted. She was running as fast as she could, her lungs burned as she pushed on. The staff was so heavy for her. She refused to drop it though. She was going home. A few more yards and she would be back out in the gardens, then she could leave.
A long speared staff swung out from the right, knocking her off balance as she ran. She cried in shock as she fell to the floor and screamed when she looked up to meet an angry guards stare, his spear pointed at her.
He spoke swiftly, though surprised for a moment that his target was a child. "Princess Zoisite, what ever tricks you are pulling, it doesn't matter. The Queen has ordered your arrest."
"Queen!? Arrest!?" Chibi Zoicite panted in shock.
"Now why don't you save us both trouble become yourself again." he commanded.
"Myself!? What are you talking about?!"
"You're 19. Not a toddler."
"No I'm not, I'm 4!" the child shook her head stubbornly.
"So be it." he shook his head, and reached down to pick the frightened child up. And he did so, quite roughly.
"Leave me alone!" she screamed, her crescent moon marking began to flicker with energy, and suddenly and enexpectedly it exploded with golden energy. Enough so to knock the gaurd away from her. She fell to the ground, crying, the shining light faded as quickly as it begun.
"What is this noise?" A gentle, but annoyed sounding voice stated.
The guard turned. "Queen Serenity.." he bowed quickly. "Forgive me, but I have found your sister." he motioned to the frightened girl that lay crying on the floor.
Queen Serenity paused for a moment. "Oh..?"
"She refuses to change to her normal age."
The Queen shook her head. "It doesn't matter." she picked the child up gently. "Thank you."
The guard bowed once more, and on her order, left quickly.
"Who are you?" Chibi Zoi demanded to know. "Why was that man saying my mother's name? Why was he calling her a Princess? Why did he want to arrest her?"
The Queen smiled, but said nothing.
"Now, are you ready to listen?" a voice called from behind her. It was Pluto, and her staff was back in her hands, as if nothing had happened.
The child looked down shamefully and nodded.
"Good, because there is something you should know right now." Queen Serenity spoke quickly, hurrying off into the gardens, where they would all be sure to get some privacy. She placed Chibi Zoicite on the ground. Suddenly, right before the child's eyes, the Queen began to glow with sparkling silver energy. Her shape was shifting. She grew smaller. The shape was soon recognized. "Meow!"
"TAIDOKO!?" Chibi Zoi screamed in shock.
Taidoko nodded. "I'm Queen Serenity. Or rather, her spirit. For when she died, she knew sooner or later her sister would have a child..." she glanced to Pluto with a knowing smile. "As her spirit, I took on the form of a cat and vowed to watch over you. For you hold a powerful wea---"
"Wait! Time out!" Chibi Zoi said quickly, cutting in. "What do you mean... sister?"
Pluto spoke up, her voice soft, as whispering a secret. "Your mother is Queen Serenity's sister."
"Zoisite has a crescent marking like you do." she pointed to crescent moon apon the child's forehead. "Though, when she became evil, it disappeared. But in any case, that is why you have one.


Kyme laughed, "Time is up!" she held her hands out to the dome and a powerful bolt of negative energy flew at the dome. The dome incasing Zoisite and Kunzite began to glow and crackle with energy, seperating them as black lightning weaved through the dome. Zoisite gasped and was suddenly hit with the black lightning. She screamed in pain as she began to glow bright pink. Her energy was being drained from her.
Kunzite ran forward and tried to free his lover of the lighting's hold, only to be thrown back from the bolts of dark power that now formed a barrier, blocking him from Zoisite. The dark power crackled all over him. It began to drain his energy as well as he tried to fight it.
Chibi Zoi gasped and lept forward, determined to stop this. "Zoi--"
Kyme held out her hands, with the collected powers of Zoicite and Kunzite she sent the most powerful single bolt of black lightning she had ever created into Chibi Zoi. The energy formed tightly around the frightened child as she screamed for her parents.
The energy crackled over the girl as she screamed in pain. Suddenly a glittering light sparkled from her chest. A glowing object floated before Chibi Zoicite.
Zoisite opened one eye against the painful dark bolts of energy that slashed through her. "That's the..."
"Silver Crystal.." Kunzite finished for her, watching as he struggled for freedom.
Chibi Zoicite's eyes went dark as the dark energy from her own body consumed her.
"That's right." Kyme shouted above the crackling sound of energy. "Without it, the dark power in her cannot be controlled, the evil side of her will emerge at last!"
The crystal suddenly turned dark, radiating with evil before it shattered. Chibi Zoi suddenly disappeared from view as the dark energy covered her in a dome of crackling black lightning.
"Where...?" Zoisite gasped, losing power rapidly.
A dark figure appeared where the child had been moments before in a swirl of black cherry blossoms. "I will bring this world to it's end." she announced, laughing darkly. She was tall, slender, and her dark eyes held a stare that was spine chillingly cold and devoid of emotion. A black crescent moon on her forehead crackled with dark power. Her features mirrored that of Zoisite or even...
"Who are you?" Kunzite demanded to know, fighting against the dark power that threatened to consume him.
"I am Dark Zoicite."
Zoisite gasped as she recoginized the lady before her. "Chibi Zoicite?!"

She didn't answer. Instead, she turned away from them. Bolts of dark energy shot around Dark Zoicite as she lifted her elegant hands to the black and ominous skies above. As the energy coursed through her body she laughed, sending a bolt of energy into the sky. There was a sudden sharp crack as the energy made contact with it's goal, creating a collumn of power that slowly began consuming the Silver Millinium with a wave of darkness. She could feel the deaths, the innocent lives being comsumed one by one.
She wanted more.
The energy increased as Dark Zoicite put all her power into the dark bolt rushing up in the sky. Her evil and hate amplified the power as it grew stronger and stronger.
The end was here.
Kyme laughed deeply watching the energy levels around Dark Zoicite build to dangerous heights. She could feel the very energy of the Silver Millinium begin to bend and give under her power. Soon, now, soon. "Perfect, simply perfect." she grinned as Zoisite and Kunzite dropped to the ground, drained.
She absently noted that on Zoisite's forehead, the faint outline of a crescent moon could be seen glowing weakly.

"Dead... Scream" a voice whispered, followed by a purple ball of energy that shredded through Kyme's energy field, breaking her concentration. The dome holding Kunzite and Zoisite shattered, freeing them.
"Who are you? You have 5 seconds..." Kyme gathered energy in her hands, her red eyes gleaming with anger.
A tall figure stood in the door. "I am Sailor Pluto and I will not allow you to use this girl for your evil puposes anymore."
Kyme flung her long black hair behind her shoulder, her blood red eyes narrowing, "You'll do nothing, now stay out of my way!" she held her hands high and gathered more energy to destroy the single sailor senshi.
Sailor Pluto jumped out of the way of Kyme's blast, leaping high into the air as she spun her staff wildly, swinging it directly into Kyme's side.
Kyme cried out from the sharp pain, hissing with anger. "You're too late! So stop wasting your time!" she roared in all out fury as she fell to the floor, her form shaping back into that of a cat.
Taidoko was back. Suddenly a ghosty figure with the same blood red eyes and black hair drifted above the fallen feline. "I am the negative form of Silver Millinium, an exact oppisite of Queen Serenity's power, I am Kyme. Now, Dark Zoicite." she called as she gazed towards the ghostly figures direction. "Destroy this intruder."
Dark Zoicite bowed. "Yes." she leapt towards Sailor Pluto. "Die!" she screamed, gathering energy in her hands. She stopped when she saw the senshi did not move.
Sailor Pluto watched her come closer, her eyes softening apon her. She refused to attack any of the Moon Princesses, no matter what form. "I want to see the child I knew once upon a time, nothing more. No more lies or hate. I will not fight you. Will you remember for me? And if not for me, then for your family." She swept her staff across the air, and from it a picture appeared briefly of her father, her mother, and all those who she had once held close. Finally, with these images vanishing behind them, she turned her gaze back apon her, reaching her hand out to her. "Will you trust me?"
Dark Zoicite took her hand, with the intentions of killing her. "I have no friends, I have no family, and in a moment neither will you!" she laughed cruelly, grabbing her hand.
But the moment she made contact with her outstretched hand, she was so stunned at what she saw that she stopped laughing immediatly, falling silent. She couldn't no longer move. Her eyes blank with shock, she stared forward in awe as her memories returned to her. Memories of her mother, Zoisite, and her father, Kunzite. Memories of Queen Serenity and Taidoko. Even memories of Sailor Pluto, who had promised that she wouldn't let any harm come to her.
"Remember.." she repeated in her real voice, the voice of the child she had once been. "I...." the black crescent marking began to fade as her body was beginning to glow with a golden white energy as her memories rushed back into her, revieling the truth. "Mama.. Papa.. Queen Serenity.. Taidoko.." She opened her eyes, her large beautiful green eyes sparkling once again with the sweetness of youth. "Pluto!" she cried in joy as she remembered finally.
The black crescent disappeared entirely as she began to recede back to her normal age and form in a bright eruption of energy that covered her in rapidly flashing colors of light. The shimmering silver moon crystal appeared before her once again, absorbing into her heart and soul as her glittering golden crescent moon marking reappeared on her forehead in another bright flash. The colorful ribbons of energy that flowed around her began to take form, her princess gown appearing in their place. A shining ray of light cast it's golden glow over the princess. [Picture by Chibi Zoi]
Chibi Zoicite stood where Dark Zoicite had been moments before, once again as the sweet 4 year old child she had always been and was always meant to be.
She smiled up at Sailor Pluto.
She was free.


"You're right!" Chibi Zoi nodded again, perking up, "We'll find Mama and Papa and everything'll be fine!" declared the little girl, clapping her little hands together, "Oh yah! By the way, Taidoko.." she giggled mischievously.
Oh no, thought Taidoko. She knew that giggle.
"Nani, Chibi Zoi?" she asked nervously.
"You're it!" laughed the child, tagging Taidoko as she took off running.
"CHIBI ZOICITE!" Taidoko shouted in shock, leaping up in place as the tag took her completely off guard. "Come back here! This isn't the time to be playing!"
"You gotta catch me!" was Chibi Zoi's only reply as she continued to run further away from the feline, "C'mon!"
"Chibi Zoicite, onegai! This isn't the time!" pleaded Taidoko as she took off after the little girl.
"Demo, anytime's a good time to play!" she giggled at Taidoko, still running as quickly as she could.
"Not right now it isn't!" came a third voice.
"N-Nani!?" squealed Chibi Zoicite in shock as she saw a figure suddenly appear before her.
Taidoko suddenly began to run faster, recognizing the figure's energy, "That's what I felt!"
Unable to stop in time, all the little girl could do was shriek before crashing into the figure with a loud, "Eeee! Look out!"
"Oof!" the figure coughed, slamming down into the green grass of the park as Chibi Zoi landed on top of her.
"Chibi Zoicite!" Taidoko cried, finally catching up to her, "Are you ok?"
"H-Hai.." trailed off the child as she flopped over in a daze, "I'm.. ok.."
"Then would you mind getting off of me?!"
"Eh!?" Chibi Zoi's emerald eyes suddenly widened as she leapt up in shock, "Who's that!?"
"I'm--" the figure began, revealing herself to be a girl of about four herself, with violet eyes and black hair held up in two heart-shaped odangos, a turquoise bow in the back center of her hair.
"You're hair's kawaii!" interrupted Chibi Zoicite with a giggle, smiling as she held out her hand to help the other girl up. "I'm Chibi Zoicite! Who're you?"
Glaring at Chibi Zoi in annoyance, the girl took her hand and began to get up, "If you'd listen, you'd know. My name is Kit."
"Kit?" blinked Chibi Zoi, "How come you're dressed like a Sailor Senshi?"
"Eh?" sweatdropped Kit as she glanced down at her outfit. It was indeed a Sailor Senshi outfit, the colar and skirt both turquoise with purple trim, a long bow in purple on the back of the skirt. The front of the uniform also had a purple bow with a red heart shaped locket with gold lining featuring a purple crystal with pink lightning bolt in it's center in the middle. The top of the locket had a tiny gold star on it. Her choker was purple with a pink lightning bolt on it with matching boots in turquoise with purple trim along the top with pink lightning bolts in the center. There was also a strip of purple running along the top of the feet of her boots. White gloves with purple trim covered her little hands and lower arms. Her outfit was finished by purple star earrings, brooches over her heart-shaped odangos in purple with pink lining, and finally, a golden tiara with a purple crystal and pink lightning bolt in its' center over the child's forehead.
Chibi Zoicite poked the locket on Kit's bow, "Are you a Sailor Senshi, too?"
"Oh, hai, hai," nodded Kit nonchalantly, "I'm also known as Sailor Lightning!"
"Sugoi! Sugoi!" clapped Chibi Zoi cheerfully.
"And what do you mean, 'too'?" Kit asked, crossing her arms.
"Oh yah!" giggled Chibi Zoi as she pointed to her own golden locket on the green bow of her uniform shirt, "I'm Sailor Chibi Zoicite!"
"Really?" smirked Kit, placing a hand to her chin, "Interesting.."
"Hai!" nodded Chibi Zoi.
Taidoko meanwhile remained quiet.
"Sailor Lightning," she whispered to herself, thinking about Kit. She seemed familiar somehow.


"How are we going to hide this, Ai?" Zoisite sighed, cradling her baby daughter in her arms. It had been a very busy seven months since Chibi Zoi was born and everyday, the worry of Queen Beryl discovering the child's peculiar crescent marking grew.
The plain fact was that the Queen of the Dark Kingdom would kill Chibi Zoicite for having the sign of the White Moon upon her forehead.
After a few moments of nervous silence, Kunzite's calm voice shattered it with a sigh. But no matter how calm his voice seemed, there was no mistaking the worry it held for his precious daughter.
"I don't know."
"At least that little brat Kit isn't here anymore," Zoisite remarked with a bit of a huff, "That brat'd tell the Queen for sure."
Kunzite gave a slight nod, "Hai."

"Kit!?" Sailor Chibi Zoi's eyes widened as she listened, watching her parents and herself, "How does Mama and Papa know her?"
"Kit..?" was Sailor Moon's only response to the child that stood by her side.
"Mama! Papa!" the stubborn little girl shouted to the two generals, intending to get some answers as her little arms waved frantically, trying to catch their attention.
But there was no response. It was almost as if..
"I don't think they can see us, Sailor Chibi Zoi." Sailor Moon frowned. Though deep down inside, she was relieved. She didn't exactly want to face her old enemies alone in their own world.
"But then how come--" Sailor Chibi Zoi stopped abruptly, hearing her father to her mother speak amongst each other. Indeed, Kunzite hadn't seen Sailor Chibi Zoi or Sailor Moon, nor had he sensed their energy. To him and Zoisite and even the baby Chibi Zoicite, the two senshi weren't even there.
Little did they know, they were here to act as observers, meant only to watch these events unfold. Of course, there was a reason behind this. But what was the reason? And who sent had them?
That was an answer that could only be told in watching.
And so Sailor Chibi Zoi and Sailor Moon did just that, their attention focusing once more on the couple before them and the baby Chibi Zoi.

"I doubt Queen Beryl will concern herself with Chibi Zoicite now," Kunzite was saying, bringing his arm around his love, Zoisite, his icy eyes gazing down lovingly at their daughter, who simply blinked back, watching carefully as her parents spoke, even though she hadn't a single clue what they were saying. He wouldn't let any harm come to her or Zoisite.
Not on his life.
"But what if she does?" Zoisite bit her lip, fretting terribly. She couldn't bear to think something might happen to Chibi Zoicite all because of some stupid marking!
"She won't, Ai," Kunzite kissed her cheek gently, trying to calm her, "The Queen only cares about things that are powerful or useful to her. Chibi Zoicite is neither." He paused. "At least now. We have some time before she'll want anything to do with her."
Zoisite nodded, letting out a sigh, "So we have some time to figure something out?"
"Ou..!" the small baby Chibi Zoicite squealed in her mother's arms, trying to repeat what Zoisite said as she threw her short, tiny arms up for her parents with a pleased smile. She had absolutely no idea of the kind of danger she was in.
"Exactly," Kunzite smirked, reaching down to let his tiny daughter take his large finger with her grasping hands. After blinking curiously, examining the gloved finger for a moment, she began shaking it with her seemingly endless supplies of playful energy. To this, Kunzite chuckled, turning his attention back on Zoisite for a moment, "As long as she never sees the marking, there will be no problem."
"I see.." a small chuckle escaped Zoisite as her lips curled into a smirk to match her love's, stroking their daughter's head gently with her free hand. She was very skilled at being tricky, afterall. In short, to hide their daughter's marking from the Queen would be a piece of cake.
All the while though, a pair of eyes watched the plotting generals from a distance. An angered hiss escaping their owner as fists clenched in anger.


The figure easily made its way to the squirming infant and raised its hand, eyes narrowing coldly as a purple glow came from the palm's center.
With a blink, Chibi Zoicite stopped and rolling over her stomach, her huge, innocent eyes traveling up to the stranger, staring curiously.
Growing rapidly, the violet power rushed out, covering the area around the baby's crib as she continued to stare for only mere seconds before it died down. Unknown to the little one, this energy had caused her father's shield that was protecting her to dissipate completely.
Now she was completely vulnerable. And that's just how the dark figure standing above her wanted it, smirking coldly as two arms reached into the crib, roughly grabbing Chibi Zoi, who winced in pain as she began to whine.
"Come on, you're coming with me," The figure stately coldly and closed its eyes to gather the energy needed to teleport back to the waiting Queen Beryl with the little girl.
It wasn't to be.
For instantly, Chibi Zoi began to cry loudly, struggling to be let down as she called as best she could for her mother, "Ma!!"
With a wince, the figure growled. If the little brat kept this up, it'd be discovered and the plan would be ruined.
"Shut up, you!"
Chibi Zoicite's only response was an even louder cry. She didn't like this stranger or its energy. All she wanted now was her parents, tears streaming down her round, pudgy cheeks.
In hearing this, a hand whipped out, intending to strike the infant harshly with a bit of energy to hush her. The figure's angered voice ringing out in irritation, "SILENCE!"
The hand, and its power, intended for Chibi Zoi never reached her.
It all happened so fast. Not even the two senshi watching could tell quite what happened next.
The little girl's eyes had widened moments before they slummed shut, having seen the oncoming strike and awaiting its blow. But something extraordinary happened. With a bright flicker of light, the crescent moon marking on Chibi Zoicite's forehead glowed to life.
"Na..Nani!?" cried the stranger as her young face was suddenly revealed, violet eyes widening in shock at the baby in her arms, "S..Stop it!"
It didn't stop, the light emanating from the marking filling the room with light. For several minutes, golden light streamed from the crescent, covering everything with its gentle glow. In truth, the light was calling someone.
Someone close to her.
"Cut it out!" shouted the stranger as she dropped the baby instantly, backing up as she shielded her eyes against the pure, blinding glow.
Suddenly, the burst of energy stopped and Chibi Zoi calmed down, her cries trailing off into a coo.
But when the stranger lowered her hand to see what happened, she just gasped, her mouth falling open in shock.
Glittering energy of silver sparkled around the long white gown of the Moon's Queen, Serenity's spirit as she held Chibi Zoicite in her arms protectively. Her gaze lowered to the stranger who threatened the baby. "Leave this child alone," she said sternly.
So filled with shock, there was no response from the stranger. It took all of her strength to force her body to move once more, dashing from Zoisite and Kunzite's room to tell Queen Beryl of this.
Queen Serenity frowned slightly, her shifting to sadness as they followed the well-known stranger from the room. Chibi Zoicite blinked, staring up at the gentle Queen's face. Like with her own parents, she felt safe and protected in her warm arms.
"Don't worry anymore," Serenity smiled down at little life in her arms, "you're safe now."
Almost as if she knew what Queen Serenity was saying, the baby giggled and reached up, patting the Queen's cheek affectionately. Serenity laughed gently, her eyes gazing down at Chibi Zoi.
Even if Chibi Zoicite wasn't old enough to even begin to understand the importance of this, the Moon Queen knew it was time. Queen Beryl was already inquiring about the little girl and if she waited anymore, it would most certainly be too late.
"Little princess of the Moon, will you protect something special for me?"
As if in reply, Chibi Zoi smiled, beaming brightly as she clasped her little hands together.
Returning the baby's smile, Queen Serenity closed her eyes, concentrating. Within seconds, her crescent marking began to glow brightly, raining down a soft, warm light onto Chibi Zoicite.
Chibi Zoi's large emerald eyes sparkled brilliantly as she cooed in response, her own crescent marking beginning to glow in reaction to Serenity's own, a link forming between them.
A shining object began to take form between them, letting off a powerful glow of pink as silver sparkles took form in the center. With a blinding burst of sparkling energy, the ginzuishou appeared before the Moon's Queen and young daughter of Zoisite and Kunzite.
"Do you feel it, Chibi Zoicite?" asked Queen Serenity, smiling as she kept her eyes closed.
"A..Ah.." replied Chibi Zoi with a soft giggle, her eyes still closed as well as she clapped.
"Protect the ginzuishou, please. Don't ever give its power away."
"Gah!" called out the infant as she opened her eyes, reaching out to take the crystal into her tiny palms. The shimmering made contact with her hands in a burst of pink energy, covering herself and Queen Serenity completely from view.
"Arigato, my cute little niece."
Once more Chibi Zoicite found herself laying quietly in her crib and yet again, she wasn't alone. But this time the company was quite welcome. A black cat with a white belly and paws was curled up by her side, watching the baby with a smile.
"It's alright, Chibi Zoi. Just let the ginzuishou sleep inside you. I'm still here," said the cat softly, winking to the curious, wide-eyed baby, " And I'll protect you. You can call me Taidoko, ok?"
Chibi Zoicite only giggled and hugged Taidoko in response. She didn't know that the cat before her was actually the very same spirit of the Moon Queen that had visited her moments ago to give the wonderful gift of the ginzuishou to protect. But she did know that this was a friend and in realizing that, she smiled happily. Her arms wrapped around Taidoko, who purred gently, the little girl drifted back off into her dreams, peacefully awaiting her parent's return.

kunzite/zoisite's daughter, princess serenity's cousin, 3, cat guardians, misc., next gen, fandom wank

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