Jul 17, 2005 22:25
Giving people the benefit of the doubt is something I've never been good at. I just always assume the worst and go with my first tendency to push people away. It's this very bad habit I've gotten myself into, and even with those who are close to me, I still let this habit get the best of me. I mostly blame it on the lack of support I've received throughout my life, and all the shitty guys I've been romantically interested/involved with. Had it not been for all of that, I'm sure I'd be fine and not half as bitter and angry. Though, I certainly wouldn't be nearly as keen to guys' tricks in the love department. It really is a miracle I have any ounce of trust left to give anyone. I think the only reason I do, is because I know everyone can't be all bad, and I do try to stay optimistic until my suspicions overpower my optimism. I receive each new person I meet with open arms, until I see the first sign that that particular person may not be trustworthy, and then I do my best to bolt.
I ran into a problem with one of my dearest friends, and had they not bothered to steer me straight, I would've just grouped them along with every other asshole that has betrayed me. Luckily, they feel the same way I do in thinking a 3 year friendship is actually worth something and made me realize that I shouldn't give up on people so easily...I just really despise misjudging people, or thinking I misjudged someone in this particular case...My mind's really cool like that. It caused me to completely blow things out of proportion and get into an unecessary verbal disagreement with a good friend, who turned out to be exactly who I thought they were, and stand for eaxctly whatI thought they did.
This nasty habit has caused more problems than it's solved, but it has taught me to proceed with caution in any new relationship, whether it be a friendship or a relationship. It has also opened my eyes and made me not take any shit from anyone, so I guess it's not all that terrible. It's just bothersome, ebcause sometimes it makes me act out more irrationally than I'd like to...