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Mar 29, 2009 14:20

Age: Looks to be in his late twenties. 26~29, specifically.
Height: Tall.
Weight: On the lean side, but it's all muscle.
Medical Info: Chigusa is healthy. He's half-plant. He has amnesia.
Eyes: Brown.
Hair: Sugiura says she's still hasn't reached a final decision on Chigusa's hair color. It was the color of Konbu, but she said that wouldn't do, so now she's imagining his hair color as North Europian Needle-Leaf Tree. IDEK. It's basically a very dark green.

Physical Traits: Chigusa is very tall and pretty. He always wears goggles except for when he sleeps, takes a bath or needs to "see" something. At any given point in time, his skin may be wrapped in red ribbons/bandages.

What's Okay To Mention Around Him: Anything except for him being from a comic and no spoilers from recent chapters. Everything else is A++.

Abilities: Oh, boy. Chigusa is one special cookie and has a handful of tricks up his sleeve.

• He can't die.
• He has the ability to heal himself. When Chigusa gets injured, his blood turns into bandages. When his body is done healing, the bandages are unwrapped, leaving no trace of him ever being hurt.
• He has the ability to enter dreams.
• He has the ability to communicate with someone telepathically if they meet the right requirements aka they have "good eyes".
• He has "good eyes", which means he can see far away. He can see through things. I'm not sure if this works on people. He can also show other people what he sees. And he can also see through invisibility and things other people can't, such as the prince sucking the life out of their world.
• He can tell whether or not a person is hostile.
• He can't feel physical pain.
• He is fast and an excellent fighter.

Notes For The Psychics: [SPOILERS]Chigusa has a 1,000 years worth of memories sealed away in his head.[/SPOILERS] His mind is full of Rakan. You probably don't want to go there.

Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Go for it!

Can I Shapeshift/Bodyswap/Spit At/Step On/Etc.?: Talk to me first, please.

Maim/Murder/Death: Ha ha, lol, you can try.

Cooking: Nnnno. That's Rakan's deal.
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