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Mar 29, 2009 12:59

Character: Senroh Chigusa
Series: Silver Diamond
Character Age: Late twenties
Job: Hugging 101: Tips and Tricks on How to Hug

Canon: In Silver Diamond, an alternate universe of Japan exists called the Amato Empire. There, unbeknownst to most people, life is slowly being sucked out of every living thing by an evil prince whose idea of a good time is destroying the world and making it his own personal playground - an act which Chigusa is not just going to sit by and watch. So he, along with a boy named Rakan and a continuously growing number of followers set out to stop the prince and return the world to how it once was.

Chigusa comes from a long line of monsters and criminals. His family name, Senroh, strikes fear into the heart of those who hear it. Chigusa, however, has no recollection of any of this because he lost his memory several years ago. This memory loss has left him a bit, well, weird. Usually a pretty calm person unless under attack, he likes to move at his own pace and has become a bit socially awkward because he doesn't remember most of the feelings he once experienced. Despite these things, Chigusa is very focused on his mission and loyal to his friends. Especially Rakan, who he likes to touch a lot; a fact that often leads to people thinking he's a pervert. His stoic nature, good looks and charming smile do wonders to convince people he's not as scary as they think he is, though. ...Until he opens his mouth and says the most random and ridiculous things, which inevitably brings him right back to square one.

Sample Post:

I've learned that sometimes all anyone really needs is a hug. If you're having a bad day and need cheering up or are trying to make peace with an enemy, one hug can go a long way. It can even make you feel good and send strange shivers of excitement through you body, like it does with me sometimes. I'm going to teach you some exercises, and hopefully everyone will be able to experience the warmth that comes with a single hug. I've enlisted two gorillas to help demonstrate, so go ahead and pick partners since I'll be having you practicing these on your own in a bit.

From what I hear, Bear Hugs are rather popular, so we'll start with that one. I think what you need to do is imagine yourself as a bear grabbing a human like you're trying to crush them in your arms. After giving them a good, solid squeeze, let go. ...That's a little too forceful. Remember, you're only pretending to try and break all their bones, not actually doing it. Right, just like that. If you still feel like you don't quite have it down, watch the gorillas for a few minutes and then we'll move on the other next one.

Another popular embrace we're going to try is the Bro Hug. This is a tradition shared between two men who are friends, or "brothers." First, you shake hands, keeping them between you. This lets you know that your partner only has one free hand with which to kill you if they want. After you've established whether or not they're hostile, put your free arm on their back and give them a few manly pats. From what I remember, you have to make sure to do at least two pats and that only your shoulders are touching. Now, this hug should last just a few seconds at most. If it continues any longer, people might get the wrong idea. I haven't figured out what that is yet, but feel free to hold on to each other as long as you want. ...Don't eat each others' hands, you may need them later.

The third and final hug I'm going to tell you about today is a new one that's just recently popped up on something called The Internet. You can access this Internet through those black boxes, or computers, which you all should have received when you arrived, on the ground next to you. So pick up your computer and hold it to your chest, cuddling it tight. This is called a Cyber Hug and is one that has the least potential to get you killed unless you break it and end up hurting yourself like that guy over there did.

Well, you all did a very good job and, hopefully, you feel a little better now than you did before we started. I've got a lot more techniques to teach you about, but we can save those for another time. Now for my own personal practice, I want to try a hug with all of you that I recently read about on The Internet. It's called the Pile Hug, and we're supposed to make a pile of ourselves on the ground. It doesn't matter what position, bottom, top, or middle, just as long as we make sure we're having fun and touching each other.

So who's with me?

Voting went here. 90.9% (50/5)
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