All I want for Christmas is yooooou, baby <3

Dec 05, 2010 11:34

Totally forgot my paid LJ account expired today. I love having all these Icons, but I think I should let it go.... I theenk. I don't even write here as much anymore. And it's not that I don't have things to say; it's just that my mind-blurbs are so fleeting that they can be summed up in a Facebook post.

Facebook, you ruin everything. Don't ever change. ♥

SO now I'm going to make a list of the ten things I want for Christmas. I got the idea from Christine (because she's such a trend-setter) and I think it would be good to do, since I keep hearing people going Oh, I don't know what to get so-and-so for ChristmaHannuKwanzika..."

10. I want some Burt's Bees... I love their Lemon cuticle butter. I hate their lotions. There was a little clear zip-up pouch that had a bunch of small sized items from them, and I loved it so much. I never see the kind of things I want from them at the store though. The good stuff is usually sold out around this time of year.

9. Socks. I fucking LOVE SOCKS. Socks of all kinds, textures, designs... I like trouser socks, toe socks, ankle socks. Socks are awesome.

8. A watch. Now, as a rule, I hate watches. They are always too tight or in the way, or I forget to put it back on after I wash my hands (and I wash my hands A LOT, hence the Burt's Bees). So I would need a watch of unparalleled awesome. I remember being at New York & Co and seeing a kind of charm bracelet-y watch. It was cool because it was looser on my chubby wrists. I would, of course, prefer a really cute pocket watch type dealy. Maybe on something I can wear around my neck instead? I don't know. NEXT.

7. Hugs. I do not receive enough hugs. Sometimes, I go for a WHOLE DAY without a hug!! What the hell?! I need hugs, people. NEED THEM. I don't want to have to sneak around in dark alleys, ambushing strangers in the night. BUT I WILL.

6. A blazer. Actually, like 10 blazers. For work. If someone could just show me where I could get some not-ugly blazers and slacks, that would save me so much trouble.

5. There is a hair piece by Scunci that is... I don't know how to describe it. It's really old; I used to have one in high school. But it essentially allows you to roll your hair into a donut shaped bun. I used to see them at CVS, but I haven't had any luck as of late. It's just a plastic thing, kind of oval-shaped, with a hook on both ends. You put your hair in the middle, and roll the thing towards your head.

4. I want my laptop to stop being a fickle little bitch. Seriously, no more iTunes? Why? Oh, just because? Well I guess that's okay- NO WAIT FUCK YOU. Actually, I want a new, better laptop that I could maybe... play a MMORPG on... Maybe...

3. I really, REALLY hope this new job keeps me on for realsies. I don't think I can handle having to do a job search again. This summer was insane, and I don't want to do that again. EVER. I can't handle the rejection!! And it isn't even straight-up rejection, usually. They just never call back or say when they might respond, keeping you in financial and emotional limbo. Do not want. And it would be so cool to have a desk that I could decorate! I got this Domo toy from Taco Bell? OMG, it's a plush thing that holds your cell or mp3 player. It is ADORABLE and I want to put it on display. AND! I want to have a picture or two. You guys could imagine how lame the other people's desks would be, with their pictures of their kids and their parents and BLAH BLAH BLAH... In comparison to the AWESOME pictures I have. I already know which one is going up, first and foremost: the one we took when we were gonna smash up that couch. That picture is hip like bad-ass.

2. I want to travel someplace. I know the cast of Elevensies wants to plan a trip to Canada, and I really want that to happen. And I want more time with my friends. Panda bear, Bacon, that means you. As well as the Compound. And my wife. I would settle for being able to go out more. I keep saying "Imma go out, Imma go out," and then I never do because I'm broke or no one wants to go with me or something. How am I supposed to meet people if I don't go out AT ALL? Geez.

1. Money. I want to save money. I have never, ever had a savings account, or a rainy day fund, or anything like that. I barely had a piggy bank when I was 23. I really don't know how I made it through this move with the meager funds I had. I just did what I always do: cross my fingers and hope for the best. I really don't want to do that anymore unless I have to. I want to be able to have nice things and go places AND pay bills all at once. So that means I need to get a savings account and start filling that summbitch up. (This ties in with #3 of course; it will be easier to save if I'm making decent money.)

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