Nov 16, 2010 08:03
SO now an update from the last post.
I got the job at the botanical place.
I am NOT HAPPY about it.
After calling me to let me know I got the jerb, Alex and Buck and I went and ran errands, wrapping things up with a mildly celebratory lunch. After we finished and were about to pay the check, Mike called. The company fired him.
And it appears that I was his replacement.
Yesterday was the worst day ever.
Not only am I pretty much crushed about Mike, last night I started worrying about what I would do in the job. Obviously they have a bogus training plan, possibly setting me up for failure. And then where will I be? Up a shit creek without a paddle, I'd say. Why do I feel like I'm being punished?
Let me take a breath here. Maybe this will all work out. For the better, even. In the meantime, I'm going to check and see if I can take a leave of absence from Wal-Mart, instead of just quitting, so I can cover my ass. Like I did with the hospital. Either way, my last Wally day would probs be Friday AHAHA Thursday because I'm not scheduled Friday, and I start at the new place Monday.
This is all happening so fast.