Update on QSII!

Oct 10, 2012 00:45

Just a quick update about QSII. Episode 2 let me down slightly, and it wasn't the fault of the acting. The plot line wasn't as dark as the first episode, which I has presumed would set the tone for the forthcoming episodes. I'm a bit way in the 3rd episode, and it just hit me that I'm enjoying the complete opposites in which Sakurai-san has to play this character. The teetering on madness as well as the complete composure, bordering on annoyingly cocky nature is done amazingly (to me). He's so blatently rude sometimes, which I'm not use to coming from him, is (shall I say it? The completely cliched) refreshing. This character could be completely overacted and COULD BE annoying, but he playes it right on the line. He's the proverbial marrionete doll, and the polar opposites he has to play to bring the character to life is making me quite a happy camper.

Maya Miki, I've always loved her acting, but not gonna lie, not really liking her character now. Maybe that's the fault of the writers, not hers!

It's early days, but I'm enjoying this level of acting. Storywise though, I'm beginnging to feel there are cracks that stretches the imagination a bit too far, but I'm hoping the acting will keep me interested. :D


dramas, quiz show ii, sakurai sho, arashi

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