Jul 27, 2005 23:18
ok i never update this thing
so lets recap on my life
last friday was eventful but i don't feel like sharing the details really, so if i told you good for you if not then oh well deal with it.
saturday i had work then i went to walmart with Ryan V and we talked and got to know eachother better so that was nice then i had shana's surprise bday party at lindsays and shana was SO surprised i loved it lol so we swam and had a good time with the girls..we are vicious at catch phrase
sunday i went back to walmart with Ryan D and got a few things and then we picked up britt and went to friendlys and had so many laughs, we are just weird and we crack ourselves up!
monday i had work and i went to lindsays after and we took a quick dip in her pool in the pitch black b/c her pool light wasn't working but it was kinda cool then we watched LAGUANA BEACH! which was exciting then we watched saw and we shit our pants more or less at some parts but the ending sucked ass..oh well so then we watched an episode of friends then went and had life stories, like we told eachother everything there was to tell!
yesterday me and britt hung out and went swimming, went for a bike ride, went for a walk, watched friends, and made a collage deal for my room. so yeah it was nice, i love britt:) on our walk we stopped in and saw fabio at work and i PEED we are so queer, and i make such an ass outta myself constantly, but it's entertaining
today i was suppose to hang out with Ryan but that didn't exactly happen...oh well shit happens right?
then i had work and me linz ky and andy went to noho for really no reason i guess and kyle is a fuck nut and instead of getting on the highway to go north we went further south..so we ended up in holyoke which wasn't needed....then we finally got back to greenfield and me and linz just "ditched" them and ate at friendlys...but i am so annoyed with those 2 right now, like i flipped and threw stuff and demanded to be brought home..ugh people seriously..
so yeah i've been in a better mood lately
i mean i still hate how things are, but i mean i can't do anything about them
so i have to deal and try to make the best of things..so im trying..
i still love you to death though, and it makes things hard
but i'm still gonna try..