shut up

Jul 21, 2005 11:14

i don't even know why i'm updating this..

last night was just one of those nights..
me an jeff had a long talk again, and i mean they aren't bad talks they are actually good and we understand eachother more i think when we talk like that and i like that part, but i hate the fact that i don't have him, i know sometimes i give the well i don't care attitude, but i do care, it makes me really upset..i would do anything to have him back..he was just an amazing person and i hate that i lost him..maybe in time like jeff said we just have to see how things goi guess, so all i can do is wait..which is the worst

but i was up late contemplating everything that was on my mind..suuucks

so last night i left around 10:30 to hang out with ryan do..yeah he made me in a better mood
he cracked me up with his horrible driving, i thought i was going to die!! "i'm gonna hit that cat" "OMG DONT HIT THE CAT" putting the cold air on and i freaked out, goinng right over the curb, trying to go when the car wasn't on, trying to turn the key when it wasn't in there, and i dont even know i was just laughing the whole time, then we went to see britt and we had some good laughs there too!

so yeah, today i dunno what i am doing, i'm not really in the mood to do anything i kinda wanna get my nails done though so i might go do that..and i got called into work today so grrreat that should be fun i work every other fucking day so hey why not on my day off :)

tomorrow chevelle and taproot concert..i'm kind of excited, not as much as i was but i know it's gonna be fun

i hate life sometimes
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