Little Miss Sunshine:

Nov 02, 2010 10:40

When I went to pick up my Grams last Friday for an overnight fun-fest at my Grandparents' place in Bellville, I found a pile of photo albums in her living room.  So naturally, I started to snoop through them.  OH MAN, was there ever some good stuff in those things.  We're talking solid blackmail material.  Myself not excluded.  In fact, I found a doozy so fantastic and awful that I absolutely had to share it with you.  Because this blog is just the gift that keeps on giving.

There. Are. No. Words.  I seriously do not know where to begin.  Except to perhaps shy away in horror.  There are so many things I could point out here and yet the ONE THING I can't seem to shake is the fit of those shorts.  Particularly the bunching in a rather precarious area there.  Apparently Mickey Mouse REALLY gets me going.  Or maybe in this beautifully captured moment I'm fantasizing about Bret Michaels? I'm pretty sure that's his headband I'm wearing.

Clearly I was rockin' it way before this Little Miss Sunshine shit...

I should be getting royalties.

me, memories

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