Today I am wearing purple in memory of the teens who have taken their lives because of bullying. Fucking bullying. An epidemic that sprouts from choice. Life is hard enough with the curve balls it throws at us: natural disasters, financial stresses, illness, catastrophe, loss, freak accidents, failed relationships, etc. Shit just happens. That's life and we deal with it the best we can and move on. But bullying? Bullying doesn't just happen. A bully has to go out of their way to emotionally and physically damage another person when it's with that kind of intent. It's a choice. It's a choice that should not even be up for consideration, let alone a choose-able option. It needs to end. I don't care who you are, no human being deserves to be hated that intently. Or at all for that matter. And the kicker of it all is that bullies suffer from just as much emotional turmoil (if not more so) as the people they berate.
The Trevor Project can help.
And if you're still needing to feel just a little less alone, check out the
It Gets Better Project. I was fortunate enough to know when I was younger that bullies generally back off and get bored if you appear unaffected by their gunfire. My bully didn't torment me long because I killed her with kindness. I think it freaked her out actually. And where we never became friends and never will be friends, we learned to coexist in a somewhat respectful manner. And in the end it taught me a lot about being a better person. Now I have the greatest life ever and hers is... meh. So there you have it.
It absolutely gets better.