
Mar 03, 2009 12:47

Player name: Saffy
Player LJ: presea
Email / AIM: namine[at]feathery[dot]org / inherits the sun
Timezone: PST
Other characters: Asch (promisedsomeone), Daisuke (insynch), Emil (pactum), Toki (grampasguitars).

basics :
Character: Axel
Series: Kingdom Hearts
Deviance: 4 [Roxas, Axel, and Naminé switch places with Sora, Riku, and Kairi respectively; Axel does not don the name of Ansem, and journeys with Roxas intermittently through KH2 instead.]
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Canon used: The games Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, and Kingdom Hearts II.
Appearance: [] Axel is tall and lanky and quite unbalanced-looking. Every angle in his body is sharp, as much as his wit or his weapons. His hair is wild, red and spiked back, and two harlequin teardrops are tattooed beneath his eyes. Axel’s clothes are stylish and tight-fitting, and he wears predominantly dark colors, though orange and red accent most.

psychology :
Axel is all about keeping it cool. He isn’t aloof, though the way he dodges questions and his ability to don masks in a matter of moments leaves many wondering what he truly thinks and feels. These barriers are tougher than someone of Axel’s stature might suggest. He comes off as very carefree, even careless, although the more he cares about something the greater lengths he’ll go to seem otherwise. But the ones who matter can usually see right through his disguises, no matter what.

Despite acting flippant and sometimes flirtatious, beneath the happy farce he is deeply concerned with the well-being of his friends and the universe at large. When he becomes serious, things get done. He pursues what he desires with incredible tenacity, and this loyalty-shown only to a few-can be dangerous to himself and the people he tries to help.

Still present is the desire to manipulate the situation for the greater good. While he can’t quite separate emotion and action like his canon counterpart, Axel will still approach the situation with a cool head, try to discern all the threads and then rearrange them to his advantage.

As guarded as Axel is, his friends are his greatest weakness-and greatest strength. Time and time again, he’s sacrificed himself in order to ensure the safety of Roxas and Naminé. He even went so far as to paint himself as a villain, when all the while he was trying to find a way to revive Naminé without harming Roxas in the process. It makes it all the worse, then, that he kidnapped and fought while being perfectly aware of his actions. Ansem did not manipulate Axel through a love of Naminé, but by deceiving Axel into thinking he could find a different solution to the conundrum of Roxas and Naminé’s hearts. In short, Axel would not hesitate to die for them if the situation called for it, though he can guess he’s of more use to them alive.

The root of his self-sacrificial streak is guilt. Axel berates himself and not always silently for giving into the darkness so easily, for lying to himself and his friends, and for harming the two people who matter most. Because of this, he views himself as nearly worthless.

Roxas in particular can talk Axel out of his melancholy sometimes, but it will take the whole family being together in order to turn away his harmful habits for good. The king, too, taught Axel that he was not beyond hope-or light. For this reason, Axel joins Roxas on his second (or is it third?) journey, hoping to utilize the power of fire for light and atone for the destruction he wrought.

other skills / abilities :
Axel’s abilities revolve around two things: magic and weaponry.

As far as weaponry goes, he fought for a year using spiky chakrams, but he can also pull off a string of combos with a Keyblade if he steals one. Toward the end of his canon he will be using a special Keyblade (besides the one he used to help lock Kingdom Hearts), but for now he prefers his chakrams. They channel his magic easier than anything else he possesses at the moment. His weapons are nigh unbreakable and disappear and reappear with barely a thought, and the Keyblade itself can open any lock that isn’t protected by a sort of barrier. The Keyblade and similar weapons also release hearts from Heartless and dispatch Nobodies easily.

Magic is not something that was innate for Axel, despite his fascination with fire and pyrotechnics in general. When he was granted power over darkness, it came to him in the form of dark fire. Now that he is a bit more in balance, the fire can be purifying as well-or at least, highly effective. He can use it to form fireballs, fire rings, and shields of dark energy. Practice might lend it to other uses as well.

As a fighter in Kingdom Hearts, Axel has the ability to… run up and down the sides of buildings, remain suspended in midair while executing magic blasts or combos, just plain float, and have gravity-defying hair. Being immersed in darkness for so long also allows him to be able to canonically ‘smell’ the dark side of people. This means that he can tell when someone is using an illusion to be someone else (such as Kairi pretending to be Naminé), just how much dark and light is in a person, and the presence of a Heart.

Other weaknesses: Despite being a Kingdom Hearts protagonist, Axel does have weaknesses! He can bleed just like everyone else. Interestingly enough, if he dies, his heart-a real crystalline thing-will disappear into the ether. But I don’t suggest trying it.

history :

Axel was born and raised in a sunny little town called-fittingly-Twilight Town. Though he was considered more mature than his friends, Axel made it a point to take care of them. Roxas was like a little brother to him, and Naminé like a sister. While their serious life goals and adulthood were still some years away, Axel was learning everything he could about how things worked, in hopes that one day he could travel beyond the sea and experience other worlds. However, his duty to his friends kept him. He was content to leave the next fall, or the fall after that, or maybe never at all so long as Roxas and Naminé still needed him.

That day was fated to come sooner than he expected. One destined night, a voice called Axel out into the streets. He followed it to the supposedly haunted mansion. The voice told him that darkness was swallowing the universe and it would swallow his world, too, if he didn’t do something. In order to protect Roxas and Naminé from danger, he would head into the darkness first, and learn how to subvert it. The keyblade called him as well though he did not know it at the time, and it was lost to him, given to Roxas instead.

While Naminé lost her heart and Roxas discovered his secondhand destiny, Axel had contact with Maleficent and the other villains. He worked both for and against them in subtle ways. Maleficent’s hold on him wasn’t true, though he continued to satisfy her with kidnappings and dirty work through Disneyfied worlds as needed. His chance run-ins with Roxas were marked with fighting, though the keyblader sensed that his friend held back. The duck and dog were doubtful, though. The Heartless were spreading from world to world, overtaking them, and anyone who used its powers was not to be trusted.

Despite his intentions, the darkness swallowed Axel, too. After receiving a keyblade of his own from Maleficent, Ansem possessed him and used his power to turn the hag into a gigantic dragon, taunting Roxas and the King’s guards with a voice not unlike his own. It all came to a head in the Grand Chamber at Hollow Bastion. It was there that Ansem revealed Roxas held Naminé’s heart all along. Axel had been trying to find an alternate to killing Roxas, but the seeker of darkness had deceived the deceiver. Roxas, filled with rage at the loss of his friends, defeated the Ansem-possessed Axel. Then, smiling sweetly, Roxas stabbed himself in the heart with Axel’s keyblade-which restored all the hearts of the kidnapped Princesses of Heart, Naminé included. It also forced Roxas to become a Heartless for some time. Ansem still lived, though, and was about to destroy the defenseless Naminé and her guards-but Axel appeared, blocked him, and told his friends to flee. Then he disappeared, seemingly lost.

With the princess’ power, Roxas was restored to his true form. They fled to Traverse Town while Axel sank deeper and deeper into the darkness. At last, the friends met again, but it was only briefly. After Ansem’s defeat the door to Kingdom Hearts had to be closed. King Mickey and Axel had to remain on the side of darkness and pull it shut. He smiled at his friend and said, “You’d better keep her safe.” With that, the door was shut forever and the worlds restored, with only the keybladers as wanderers.

That should have been the last of Axel’s story. Truth be told, he didn’t remember doing much until he woke up inside of Castle Oblivion, having been lost to darkness. His heart had been called there as Roxas’ had. A voice spoke to him upon awakening, asking him if he wanted to go back to sleep or press forward into the unknown. Axel, of course, wasn’t the type to sleep through something exciting, so he fought his way through the basement floors of the strange castle constructed from memory.

Along the way, he encountered several shady characters in shady cloaks calling themselves the Organization. They took an interest in Axel especially. Not only was he strong of heart, but he held great power over darkness and he had strong ties to their Superior. Axel traveled from floor to floor beneath their watch, vanquishing old ghosts as he went, and struggling to understand the mystery of the place. One of the members-Vexen-also happened to capture Axel’s data while fighting him. He put it to the test and created a perfect replica, one implanted with fake memories and with all the mindlessness Axel held while under sway of the darkness. Axel had to fight him several times, all the while doubting there was any light left in him.

But that was exactly what Lexaeus and Zexion wanted him to think. Just when everything seemed lost, and he’d dissolve in light, Naminé appeared and told him not to give up. Both his darkness and his light were a part of him, and only by acknowledging both could he become truly strong. He overtook Zexion and defeated him and his illusion, though he was left for Axel’s clone to destroy later on. Axel could tell by Naminé’s scent that she wasn’t the same one he knew, but connected somehow, and sought to confront her.

Ansem appeared to him again, but Axel could tell it was fake. The man-the voice from the beginning, actually-introduced himself as DiZ, and informed Axel that he would have to choose between light and darkness. He couldn’t reach a decision then, and it seemed kind of contradictory to everything else that he’d been taught, so DiZ directed him to find the girl he’d seen before.

He discovered that Naminé was really a fabrication of a girl named Kairi who could manipulate the memories of Roxas and all of his friends. She was horribly sorry for what she’d done and explained that she was going to set everything as it should be, which meant Roxas, Donald, and Goofy would be asleep for a long time. She also offered Axel a chance to lock away the darkness in his heart forever and lose all of his memories. Axel knew he couldn’t afford to sleep on the job like some people, so he declined and bid farewell.

He was going to do it the hard way… Direct confrontation. There was only one way to make sure Ansem held no more influence on his heart, and it involved something very sharp. King Mickey offered encouragement as well. When the long battle was done and the shade of Ansem defeated, Axel had nowhere to go, or so it seemed… Many paths stretched out before him. DiZ asked him, then: would Axel choose darkness or light? With a hard glint in his eyes, Axel grinned and chose the path between. Desiring to walk that line as well, Mickey joined him.

Eventually, though, Axel began to feel isolated. He realized the darkness could never completely leave him. Seeking answers, he left Mickey and found DiZ, and agreed to help Roxas wake up. In order for that to happen, however, Axel would have to seek out and defeat Sora-his best friend’s other half. He dove into the realm of darkness, the midnight world of Nobodies, and confronted the boy there, defeating him and delivering him to DiZ as promised. Axel wanted no part of the old man’s revenge, but still watched over Sora as he played in the digital Destiny Islands world, helping to maintain the illusion. He was also puzzled by his own disintegrating memories of his best friend, and the similarities he saw between Nobody and Somebody.

Things began to go awry when Riku was sent by the Organization to find Sora. Sora managed to regain all of his memories in time, however, and acknowledged his true existence as a Nobody. Roxas was whole at last. DiZ instructed Axel to get rid of Kairi, as she wasn’t needed any longer, but Axel couldn’t do that to her and left her in the care of Riku instead.

Axel considered taking off when Roxas woke up so that he could watch from afar, but Kairi’s words moved him. So, he lingered, deciding to offer help where he could. The two best friends set out across the worlds, making their base Hollow Bastion, in which there rested a stranger shop than all the rest…

reality description :
The story of Axel and his friends takes place across a variety of worlds. Most of the action, this time, is centered around Hollow Bastion, the reclaimed castle Maleficent once made her own. Outside of the strange ruined castle with its pipes and lifts is a city of the same name, though its true name is recovered later. There are rows upon rows of shops, a residing Moogle, and the entrepreneur Scrooge, in addition to the Twins’ shop. There are also houses and parapets built into the gates surrounding the half-ruined city. Between the castle and city lie icy canyons, a cool valley and jagged mountains. Hollow Bastion is also equipped with a security system that zaps small heartless.

Axel’s hometown, Twilight Town, isn’t truly playable, though it’s a simple world of sunset buildings, quiet streets, a sandlot, a train, and a haunted mansion of sorts.

Destiny Islands is only accessible when Nobodies are permitting. It is a simple and small world, much like Axel’s own. Though there is a mainland, most of what happens is on the play island, with its beach shacks, rows of palm trees and hidden pools, and most importantly, the secret cave hidden behind the tree. In that cave lies a special door that leads to DiZ’s digital Destiny Islands base of operations.

None of the other worlds are quite so original, based on one Disney movie or another, and featuring prominent figures from that story interacting with Roxas and co. as they rush to solve the problem and lock the world away from Nobodies and Heartless safely. Some examples are Wonderland, Pride Rock, Beast’s Castle, and Land of Dragons.

The final world that the party will encounter is The World That Never Was. Axel has been here before. He had to journey to that place to find and capture Sora while he escaped from the Organization’s base of operations. Outside of the ruined, rainy, and neon city sits a floating fortress spanned by invisible bridges, silhouetted by the slowly completing Kingdom Hearts-a heart-shaped moon of sorts sitting in the sky.

As for important people, Axel has his own connections: Roxas, who is the keyblader of light, his best friend and rival of sorts, and heir to a destiny entwined with Axel’s own; Naminé, his second childhood friend whom Axel nearly gave himself to save again and again; Mickey, the king of the universe who was as kind and just as Axel wished he could be; DiZ, whose thirst for revenge repulsed him but guided Axel through that horrid castle anyway; and Kairi, whose life Axel spared despite orders from the real Ansem. The list goes on. These are the ones who still live and act at his starting canon point.

( Roxas wuz here.)

ooc, profile

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