I visited the Monterrey Bay Aquarium again this past week, with Emily. Emily was visiting me because she is my girlfriend, and we hadn't seen each other for 3 months. Coincidentally, Emily and I have been dating for three months: consider this your official and only notification of this fact. Or, to put it in more identifiable terms
I have made
previous forays to the aforementioned Aquarium, but each visit is a study of new absurdities:
From a fish with a clearly made-up "scientific" name...
...to some dumbass fish trying to make a cellphone call from underwater...
...you never know what you'll find.
Here's Emily and me at the beach:
Aren't we precious?
Oh, I should add: the beach we visited was a study of absurdities as well. You've got benches with confoundingly placed armrests...
...and then there's this path which narrows to about a foot wide:
Reeeeeeeeeal safe. I thought they only did this in video games, where you have infinite continues or some-such nonsense. I didn't find any powerups at the beach so it's a good thing I didn't fall off.
Here's another picture of me:
You'll noticed it's conveniently cropped to Facebook profile picture size, so feel free to use it for that purpose. I know I will. I have other pictures, but they mostly have Emily in them so I'll leave them for her to post if she so chooses.