Day 7: You're all I got, this planets small enough for two.

Mar 24, 2008 19:13

Day 47
Your Name: Badou
Suicidal Ideation: 0/10
Homicidal Ideation: 2/10
Amount of Sleep Last Night: Dunno, didn't actually pay that close attention. More than 5?
Any Lucid or Vivid Dreams? Explain.: Nope.
Moods Experienced Today: Happy,pissed stylin',
Mood Triggers: Dem, Haine, my fucking hair, um... that puppy over there?
Significant Thoughts of the Day: Green really is my color.
Favorite Time of Day and Why: Bacon bitches. Dance was pretty cool as well.
Least Favorite Time of Day and Why: When I remember that I have never been able to braid. My life, it is shattered.
How You Are Enjoying Your Therapy: Why it's just *fabulous*. The gay heals everything.
Noticable Improvements: Well I'm not dead yet.

Hey kiddo, I saw you briefly at the dance but just wanted to check in. Did ya have fun? Hell everyone have fun? I hoped you liked your song Dem. ♥ Although House got the prettiest girl at the dance.

Hey baby, you doin' alright?

dance dance we're falling apart

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