May 18, 2008 17:38
I was included in a road trip to Louisville yesterday for a book-signing and freedom rally. I got to meet Dr. Ron Paul and hear him speak. Ron Paul may not be well known because he has gotten virtually zero mainstream media coverage since he doesn't play the game like the other presidential candidates. He is running on a platform built of common sense and respect for the U.S. Constitution; He is standing in defense of our civil liberties. Naturally, I wanted to meet this man so Matt, , and myself loaded into the car and set off.
Dr. Paul is absent from CNN, MSNBC, and FOX "news" programs but thanks to the "political equalizer" as he called it, the internet has helped his message reach millions. Congressman Paul has been acknowledging his issue with exposure and electability in a corrupt system, he says his campaign is a campaign of ideas. Good ideas at that. I am reading his book, The Revolution: A Manifesto and what I've read so far is something I'd recommend others to check out.
Dr. Paul is a conservative in the true sense of the word. Small government, more civil liberties, a stronger dollar, leaving Iraq, stopping the nation building and interventionism, obeying the constitution, and stopping government regulation of our freedoms are his battle cries. He hates the neoconservatist movement of George W. Bush, a move to the far left from the platform he actually ran on in 2000. Congressman Paul has long been the kind of person to vote against something that went against the constitution, even if he were the only one. He voted against the Patriot Act and against the war in Iraq, he has always stood strong and condemned corporate control of the government. He is someone that may not get elected, but will certainly serve as a catalyst.
Ron Paul is right. We need revolution. We are tanking as a country. The militaristic campaigns have done nothing but make the world hate us even more, the dollar is, in his words "in free fall", and the economy is crashing. No one has done anything to fix this. No other candidate actually has common sense plans to contend with Dr. Paul's and no one wants to reduce government control like Dr. Paul. He is, as his supports call him "The Champion of the Constitution" and is definitely fighting for our liberty.
He is someone worth checking out. Google him. It's too late to get him in office at this point, but he has already given birth to a new platform the "Ron Paul Republican" platform. He actually ran as a libertarian for Presidency in the past, and holds to those philosophies. He has earned the title "right wing nut job" ...just like the other extremists. You might know them: Jefferson, Washington, Adams, Franklin.