Still Looking At You [ryan ross/z berg][bandgirlsbang][Masterpost]

Sep 11, 2010 12:28

Still Looking At You

Character(s) and Band(s): Ryan Ross, Z Berg, Tennessee Thomas. (Victoria Asher, Greta Salpeter, Alex Greenwald, Jon Walker)
Pairing(s): Ryan Ross/Z Berg, Z Berg/Tennessee Thomas
Word Count: 16,096
Rating/Warnings: NC-17 (oral sex). Brief mentions of emotional and physical abuse - both childhood and adulthood.
Summary: Z loves what she does, really. She just doesn't like that it's fake. But she does like the sounds, and a lot of what comes along with it. Ryan Ross is just a skinny guy who seems he's got everything going for him - he's got it easy, but maybe that's not a fair assumption. She models. She goes to parties. She does everything right. And here he's doing everything naturally and he doesn't seem to mind her - in fact, he seems pretty okay with her - and maybe that's just kind of scary.

Thank you to everyone who listened to me whine about this fic or even just talk about it, even if it was just a couple of comments or a post I made on my personal livejournal or what. A huge thanks to chokeonirony for being my great beta and cheerleader and for being the one who really made this fic possible - she gets most of the credit, the idea was originally hers. This probably would have never been finished if it weren't for you. And to anyone else who expressed any interest at all in this...You have my heart.

Part One
Part Two

Bonus Material

Z Berg by elfiepike

Untitled by theyreonlyword


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