May 18, 2021 00:19
These are the times when the aspects get loudest and most unruly.
They know someone needs to take the wheel, because my hands have let go.
Managing them is constant work, because none of them are always right, but none of them are always wrong. There's never a consensus, even a democratic majority vote of theirs is usually rubbish.
My humans offer their best wishes, and offers of help, but what help can they give? I'm grateful for the offers, but i don't feel comfortable putting this on them. What i would ask isn't for them, and i don't want to disappoint them by exposing that in most cases.
I'm burnt out, physically sore, completely fatigued, and the last thing i need right now is a holiday or a break on my own where i'm left with the stupid aspects.
And the biggest problem i have is that everything above is subject to vociferous objection from the aspects who all always know better than me.
Now is the time to push them, and see which of them are really with you.
Hide it all away, go on. Don't show them.
Burn it all. Leave, start over.
Get up and get back on the horse.
Tell them. Fall, stay down. let them help
Just shine. You've got this.
You're getting old. It's starting to show. You need to plan ahead.
Too long you have let the consideration of others rule your choices. They don't deserve that. You first. This time. (and forever more)
It's so noisy in here.