For the WTF files...

Sep 28, 2005 02:59

Join the Christian Exodus
Tired of the neighbouring sodomites and godless heathens keeping you awake on Saturday night when you just want to get a good nights sleep so you can get to the front pews in church on Sunday morning?
Tired of helping your children study the discredited theory of "evolution"?
Tired of raising your kids in an area where baby-killing is acceptable?

Then Christian Exodus is the place for you. Join other like minded Christian Constitutionalists in a migration to sunny South Carolina, to form a new and vibrant Christian state, that can decide for itself to institute constitutional reforms returning proper autonomy to the State regardless of illegal edicts from Washington, D.C.

I am thinking of enrolling at Patriot bible University which i could do once i have moved to South Carolina, because it offers correspondance courses. I am not really sure what to study, but some of these courses sure sound enlightening.

BI 303-Bible Geography
Get the big picture of the physical context of biblical events. Includes a study of more than 100 colorful maps. whee! i love colourful maps

BI 403-America in Bible Prophecy
What does the Bible tell us about the role of the United States in the end times? In this course, Mark Hitchcock and others address some of the hottest questions regarding America in Bible prophecy.

BI 405-Christian Warfare
The Christian life is a warfare, not a picnic. We’re called to be soldiers, and this course identifies our enemies, shows how we should fight, and describes the conditions for victory. I hope it has good cut scenes like in warcraft and stuff

SC 208-Bible and Science
Based on research by Henry Morris, this study covers the harmony between science and the Bible, the problem with the theory of evolution, the validity of the flood, Biblical archaeology, and scientific insights into prophecy.

SS 351-God in American History
A view of history that proves our American heritage is a Christian heritage. This course shows, based on extensive research, the close relationship between God and the founding and development of our country. Jesus lived out his years here after he faked his death

CC 105-Overcoming Obstacles
Every believer has “giants” that need to be conquered in their lives. Dr. David Jeremiah challenges us to stand valiantly and seek God’s power to slay these giants. This course weaves gripping, real-life stories of contemporary giant slayers who came face-to-face with their own Goliaths: temptation, doubt, procrastination, and jealousy. In each, you will discover afresh the eternal unwavering promise of God to overcome those giants.

SS 415-Biographies of Christians
This inspirational course introduces the student to nearly fifty giants of the faith.
although i am confused by this, are the giants good guys or bad guys?

america, christianity

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