Fearlessflight Solo gig #2

May 18, 2003 06:30

I woke up around 3pm, and did very little until I went to the Harp to see FF’s gig. Shelley turn up, and my dad was with me, so we got some drinks and got a seat. The first act Kate & Tim (who isotripy and I had met at the Cat & Fiddle) were playing. Let me tell you this chick has a fucking monster voice. The mixing was insane - she was SO loud it was deafening. I spoke to her later and she seemed to know that the mix was a bit out.

FF was great again, and got the mysterious WA guitarist up for a couple of songs, as well as Tim for some sax, and JodiM for some backing vocals. They all sounded great. It was interesting to get another person improvising the lead break on Man of Wood other than Greg.

Spent some time with FF and Jodi. FF is mourning her failing love life. FF adores the pair of us, and while she's hugging Jodi and thanking her for "being a friend and meaning so much to me", Jodi is looking at me with the "why-aren't-you-going-out-with-her" look. Shelley's been giving me a stir about it too. My answer - fuck knows.

I tried and something didn't click. Both being cautious or something. Anyway, it seemed ok, and then we both stopped. I don't know why really, i think i got the impression that she wasn't interested, and let it go. I don't know what really happened. I try to find out, but i don't dig too hard. I should probably do so one day.

I left the gig to take some food to Isotripy who was working until 2200. I got there about 2345 and sat about smoking and talking to her. During the course of the evening my not-girlfriend not-dumped me. Sigh.

She was talking about being wrong, and that I was right and that romantic love and sex are bound together. Hooray, I was right. Wonderful. So that’s over. She’s sorry that things have gone the way they have, and that she can’t do this any more, or something, and there are things that she will not tell me, and I ask, and she won’t tell me. I have no idea what’s going on, but I am aware that there has been a change in the not-relationship. I’ve never been stoned and had this happen to me. Hooray. New experience. Yay.

I mean relationships are always changing, but this is a change on a earthquake level of change. She denies it. Then changes her mind and then drifts off to something. Finally, I figure I should just go, and she keeps me there for another hour or so being sorry.

I leave.

State had mentioned that he was likely to be out late. So I messaged him as I was thinking of being bad, and thought he’d be excellent company. A few minutes after I left she called. Had I not been in a cab, she would have asked me to come back. As it was she decided to leave it and wished me a good sleep.

So I went to the Rege and found the remnants of a 21st birthday party, with only a couple of people that I knew. I did test myself on names later and got all but one right. Chatted to people, and drank more beer until the pub kicked everyone out. I wanted to stay near to my house so I could walk home, but the plan was to go to Keren’s on Todman ave. Yay. Just near Isotripy’s. I really wanted to be back in that direction. Hooray. Fuck. Fuck.

Keren’s house is falling down, and looks like a bomb hit it. Students… sigh. We piled into his small room and there was not enough space for everyone to sit. A couple had a minor drama, while State and I left AJ digging through Keren’s computer for porn to go for a smoke.

AJ tumbled out a few minutes later “Thanks for inviting me, bastards.” We smoked and slowly bits of the party came out of the house, and with the exit of some, State and AJ slumped to the pavement and sat there quite comfortably. Keren nervously fidgeted and then tried to lift them to carry them inside. AJ was moaning “I’m really done. Thanks guys.”

We stumbled inside again, where the truly diminutive Kate had curled up on the bed with a sleeping bag, and had passed out. The remaining six conscious people wondered what to do. Keren put some more music on and started his pc’s screen saver. The others who have evidently watched the screen saver before were delighted. I watch for some two minutes in HORROR, until I turned away. AJ laughed himself stupid at my reaction, and keren kept changing to a different screen saver to get me to watch. I couldn’t speak any more for laughing at the situation, I could only gasp out “I’m not watching the screen saver. I can’t be watching a screen saver.” over and over again.

I didn’t want to have that as a memory. Watching a screen saver when I was stoned, it was a very bad image to have in my head.

I get home at 0615

gigs, drinkies, drugs, friends, crashburn, girls

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