(no subject)

May 11, 2003 14:48

I really need to stretch properly. three overs and i'm sore.
two wickets, two catches and three bruises. and another duck, because Strider doesn't know how to back up properly.

Silk, Jinx and pMac were the last ones at the pub when we decided that moving somewhere for a smoke would be an excellent idea. With Silk in charge of the rolling, we went again and again and i think we broke pMac. When he disappeared upstairs accompanied by the slamming of a door and did not return we left him to it and left the house. On reflection we probably shouldn't have left him, but his flatmates were due back soon, so he'd be fine. Apart from them making fun of him for hours...

Had a vague phone call from the girl, and that's about it.

drugs, cricket

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