Blah blah, yack yack, drivel drivel drivel.

Sep 08, 2010 14:42

My lack of participation at spnland kind of depresses me right now. It's not that I'm not trying to do challenges, things just aren't coming to me. I didn't even enter anything into the fanmix challenge. I'm hoping to change this with the poetry challenge, since that is pretty much my one true art. Also the current writing challenge, but I don't know if I'll make that one. The word count isn't hard, it's the inspiration that seems to be lacking.

I am, however, working on something that almost makes me want to kill myself. It's one of those things I'll probably never post, just email to certain people who know about it and really want to read. The only reason I'm writing this disturbing piece of fiction is to get it out of my head so it'll stop bothering me. After that, I'm done with that pairing for the rest of my life. THE REST OF MY LIFE.

xoverexchange seems to be doing well for it's first round. There's still a lot of time left for sign-ups, but I've kind of lost hope for that. It turns out there was another exchange that ran last year that seem to be starting again, and they have more fandoms and is probably more relaxed about content. Really, I guess it doesn't matter, so long as we don't lose the people we've already gotten. This first round of ours is really experimental, so it's small. I have to keep telling myself that small is not necessarily bad. Small could be what makes it amazingly awesome.

It is my goal this week to get at least one prompt done for all my bingos, so at least I've got something if I end up defaulting. Though I hope I don't for most of them. I REALLY want to black out my au_bingo card, BADLY. I do plan on defaulting for kissbingo. I really jumped the gun there. It's just not the bingo for me.

Also, I've been considering reposting everything I've written in my character journals here. We'll see.

Well, I've got things to write that aren't this post. Later days.

i must be insane, comm: xoverexchange, tv: supernatural, i don't even, just keep swimming, comm: au_bingo, comm: kissbingo, comm: spnland, another ride on the random mobile

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