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This was a suprise for me tonight. After years and years of wondering if the croteam is ever going to suppor the Mac they have announced their latest title.. Serious Sam 3: BFE is coming to the Mac. The previous games all ran well in WINE but it's always good to see a developer step up to the plate and announce official support for the Mac platform. The only thing not known about this is who is porting it and how. I'm just glad it's official now as I don't have to futz around with it in WINE and possibly trigger their DRM scheme with the invincible pink scorpion or anything.
Previously they had an outside contractor named Ryan C. Gordon port the first and second encounters to Linux. But they didn't port those to the Mac although that guy does do Mac ports too from time to time so he could be doing this one too. There's also the possibility that they paid for a license to transgaming's cider technology which is pretty much the same as WINE.. sort of fooling a game that it's running on windows when it really isn't.
There may be more details later though. Apparently this is going to be on Steam and "Get Games" although I've never heard of the latter.