JJ Abrams Star Trek

May 13, 2009 23:36

On either thursday or Friday my friend sent me an e-mail inviting me to go watch the new Star Trek. For some reason I wasn't even aware that it was in the theater yet. I jumped at that chance because despite some of my misgivings and doubts I really wanted to see that movie.

I'm glad I accepted the invitation because that movie rocked. It's better than the fan made "star trek new voyages" and not just because of the bigger budget. It is also better than the movie that Tim Russ (Tuvok) made with Nichelle Nichols, Garret Wang and that guy from Ferris Bueller (let my cameron go) who was captain of the Enterprise B in Star Trek Generations. Although it does recycle one major plot point from that movie in it.

I have a feeling though that this movie is an either you love it or you hate it kind of thing. But I don't want to let others dampen my enthusiasm. I try to make up my own mind about things. Sure it's OK for one to have their own opinion but I don't assume everyone will like it nor should they assume I should not like it because they don't.

I do like how they took care of the problem that Star Trek always had and that's how all the aliens in the show appear humanoid. They had some very non-humanoid looking aliens on the ice planet. So not every inhabitable planet is inhabited by humanoids in this version of Star Trek

In the end to be bluntly honest it is quite a few old Star Trek tropes packaged in a new sensational package. I mean it's a time travel romulan story with a huge pointy romulan ship threatening to destroy planets.. that ship and the way the Romulans where styled was shades of Star Trek Nemesis IMO... and time travel seems to be standard issue in Star Trek now.. and that's for starters.

But I didn't care.... I went with my friend... had a good time and I look forward to another one which I read has already been greenlit. I think JJ Abrams did a better job than most people thought he would. I think it was better than Nemesis although part of that may be because of seeing it on the big screen with awesome sound.

Some people are of course complaining about continuity with the rest of the original series stories. Since this is an alternate time line however that's OK. One can consider it a parallel time line coexisting with the original one as seen in the original series. I mean how else would old spock show up in his original form if the other time line didn't also exist. So if the characters do new and unexpected things that's OK too. One of the things that someone on the trek LJ communities said is that Star Trek has been stagnant with no conflict amongst the characters. That's an excaggeration but they did answer that complaint in this movie practically in spades.

The obvious problem here is the big fan base who can't accept anything but the original as acceptable. This is true with any kind of reboot or remake. I mean there are some things that even I don't want to see remade or rebooted and some things that I wouldn't mind it so much. Like I wouldn't mind them redoing Superman again as Superman Returns was a bit of a let down but I would NOT like to see a Bill & Ted remake. But the problem is much worse with Star Trek because there are groups of people out there who see Star Trek like a religion and think that some things that where in it are probably sacrilege.

I can't say I am as hard core about Star Trek as those trekkie people but I did grow up with it and I enjoyed this new movie. It seems as though it is doing pretty good and may be the shot in the arm Star Trek needed. In case you haven't noticed Star Trek has been declining for years. Starting with Enterprise failing and them auctioning off all Star Trek props and models it really felt like it was over and that Star Trek was dying. But now there seems to be life and I'm glad.

I don't think you could call me a religious trekkie type since I did enjoy a lot of the originals but I'll give just about anything a chance. I have friends who have for the longest time said they simply don't want to see it because they just don't believe that it can possibly be good. I have one friend who is still on the fence.

I want an HD h.264 copy for my media server.

new, star trek, movies

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