The Ugly Truth...
Last night David- Michael, Cheryl, and I had a talk about the sgt, and what she had said to him. He said that as soon as she asked him what he liked so much about me all he could think was, "oh HELL no". I told him I know how I took it and Cheryl agreed with me, but we weren't sure that's how you took it. Well this morning he sent my favorite sgt message. Basically he told her that I know everything that was said between the two of them. He told her that while she may like to think she can have any guy she wants she will not ever have him, and she will never break us up. Then he told her, "You don't need to know what MY WIFE and I are doing, because it's none of your business." When he sent it I told him it might be awhile before he got anything back from her and he said, "Not at the rate she's going. She's been messaging me all damn morning." Funny she told me she got a message from him last night (which I knew about), but she never said she'd been talking to him this morning. Interesting what she chooses to leave out huh? Well, anyway after she got the email she looked like she'd been slapped. Her eyes were big and her face went pale then started turning red like she was blushing. (Which I could be wrong, but I'm taking that to mean that she knew she had just been busted for doing something wrong.) She looked at me and said, "What the hell is wrong with *your* man? He just sent me a message calling me everything, but a white woman." I just told her he's a grown man and he can tell people how he feels.
I talked to David- Michael and I told him that I appreciate how open and honest he is with me. He has never really tried to hide anything from me. Like he got into it with his ex gf not too long ago. It had him really upset, but instead of playing it off or lying about it he told me what happened and we talked it all out. That's something that's very new to me. I told him how I feel since we decided to give this a try, and how I've never felt like this before. I broke down crying when I told him. I was so happy talking about it with him that I cried! In all my life I have never been so happy that I cried. Not even when I got engaged or married. The man makes me so happy I cry happy tears! :D I told my cousin about him last night and I got a message back from her that said, "I'm glad. Enjoy every second of it, and I hope this is your forever baby girl." All I could think was I hope so too!
Since he's been so open with me I told David- Michael something I have never told anyone else. My entire marriage was one big lie. Not too long after my ex husband and I got married I realized that he didn't really love me, and that no matter how hard I tried he never would. I use to cry myself to sleep a lot, because I knew he didn't love me. The problem was by that point we were married, and I didn't know what to do. I could smile for pictures and act happy when I had to, but inside I was starting to die. I never told anyone that. In fact I kinda blocked it all out until I stumbled across my old xanga and decided to read it. It was like I was reading about someone else's life. I'm so over that part of my life that it didn't even bother me. It didn't make me sad, or upset, or anything. I was just glad to know that isn't my life any more. It made me even more thankful for my life now. I mean I'm finally for the first time in a long time really and truly happy. I'm even in love. For what could be the first time in my life I'm really and truly in love with someone who loves me just as much as I love him. After I told all of that to David- Michael, he told me that he feels the same way about me, that he loves me, and that he can't wait to be able to hold me in his arms and not have to let go. Can you see why I love him?! :D I am so blessed to have this man in my life.
I can't explain it, but this year has just felt like a brand new start for me. I don't know what it is that has suddenly made me feel so happy, but I am. I feel like I can go anywhere and do anything I want. I have a wonderful family, amazing friends, and God has given me a wonderful man in my life to love. What more could I want out of life? After loosing so much of myself over the past few years, I have finally started to get that back. I'm becoming the person I want to be, and I think it's starting to show.
Today, my civilian coworker (who has become my work mom) was complaining she was cold so I jokingly told her that she could wear my field jacket. She put it on and she ended up looking like a little kid playing dress up. I had my camera with me today, and I took pic of her and my favorite sgt took a pic of me standing next to her. OMG. I looked like a giant standing next to her! LOL (See the pic below for proof!)
So when I got home from work tonight David- Michael and I talked on Skype for a while. Let me just say that Skype rocks my socks. I love anything that let’s me see him and hear voice. Anyway, I told him about the sgt’s reaction to his message. He sent me hers. She called him immature and told him he was full of myself for taking her innocent questions wrong. That there was absolutely no way she would ever be interested in him. Yeah… Ok…