xposted from my Google+ because a good number of you here, aren't there. :) And I like sharing some of the neat stuff I find with you guys.
I ran across this lecture tonight while meandering cooking content on youtube.
It's just shy of an hour long, but it is fascinating, funny, and well worth the time spent watching it if you've an interest in cooking and molecular gastronomy. And if you find yourself on one side or another of whether or not molecular gastronomy is cooking, or if the end product can even be considered food.
This lecture changed my view, which leaned more towards the traditional side, despite being a science geek.
If you've ever watched the Good Eats episode where Alton is making various types of red sauces and talking about things that are soluble in water vs oil, vs alcohol, this lecture goes more in depth in to that as well
Anyways... watch it! :)