Challenge Mods Points

Jul 01, 2010 23:49

Challenge-comm mods will now gets points for being super-awesome in doing their modly duties and missing out on participating! The points system is...

100 points per month per smlclassroom mod to make 200 total
100 points per month per smlstudio mod to make 200 total
40 points per month per smlarcade mod to make 80 total

Want to know the detailed points breakdown? Well, wottie will be glad you asked, since she got really excited about this over AIM. (I'll blame her if it's wrong.)

For the curious, the points breakdown is thus:

For the purposes of this paragraph, the two mods per challenge community are considered one entity. Every month, Studio and Classroom offer a maximum of 65 participation points per entity. (I'll get to this in a sec.) It also offers six potentials to place. (again - I'll get to it!) Assuming that the mod entity wins one first place, two second places, and one third place (wottie and I thought this was the most reasonable and practical breakdown, but I know it's a huuuugely contentious area, so let me know if you have any thoughts on it!!) for a total of 40+30*2+20=120 points. Thus, the mod entity would, were she not busy modding, have been earning 120+65=185 points per month or, as there are two mods, 92.5 points per month per person. This is rounded up to 100 points per mod per month, because keeping track of points is hard enough already without all these decimals. XD This means that each month, each classroom and studio mod misses out on entering 3 challenges because they're hosting them. However, they get 70 points more than the worst-case-scenario (10 points each for participation) but only 50 points less than the best-case-scenario (winning all three of the challenges they hosted). It works out in favour of the mods in the end!

Every month, arcade provides 5*15=50 potential participation points, or 32.5 per mod. However, when accounting for bonuses and such, we've rounded this up to 40 points per arcade mod!


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