In the Meantime...*

Jun 16, 2010 19:40

...Taking Prentiss or JJ prompts. No promises on results, I'm just looking for ideas for something to entertain me while I draft my letter to CBS. Everything in progress is too fraught right now and I'd like to write something under 20,000 words for once.

Also, thank you to goodisrelative for my alien and to forcryinoutloud, raisintorte, and wojelah for my lemurs from a couple weeks back. I'm hella behind. :)

If you need something to entertain you, reccea wrote a Star Trek Reboot Reversebang fic. It is called Minuets of Diplomacy. It has art! It has Uhura saving everyone's ass! It has Team Enterprise separated and forced to be gladiators! It has THE GORN. Who doesn't want to see Reboot Kirk get his ass kicked by a Gorn?

Also, I know a bunch of people (who are not me...) are at Con.txt this weekend but next weekend, we are totally doing the Women of Awesome Commentfic Meme. No excuses.

*I am sure that I downloaded the Spacehog song of the same name from someone but it is not in my iTunes. Tragedy.

tunes, ult!st, when we were awesome, criminal minds

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