I'm into this list thing.

Apr 28, 2010 15:56

1. lallybroch, Joe Mantegna totally remembers making Comrades of Summer. I totally thought about you, with giant hearts.

2. I actually listened to someone explain to me that his assistant went to law school but didn't take the bar because his wife works and he "babysits" their child. It made me smile for the first time the whole meeting because with those words, I mentally dismissed every single thing the guy had said as a completely gendered and privileged hissy fit. I read the comments tothis article this article earlier today, which probably put me in that frame of mind.

3. mingsmommy has instructed me on how to kill grass, so I have lofty plans for mulching my backyard and adding pavestones to make a patio area where I can set up a reading chair. I was really into this plan until I saw "plane compactor" in the Home Depot guide. It's a really small yard. Maybe jumping up and down on the dirt will work just as well.

4. The Criminal Minds season finale guest stars will be Robert Davi, Eric Close, and Tim Curry. Whee! They start filming season six in July.

5. Meme that's been going around. I can't seem to get through one of these without a meme: What kind of topics/entries would you like to see me posting about? Any particular questions you've always wanted to ask me but have resisted because the answer would be a huge essay? Ever want to wind me up and watch me go on a particular topic? Anything you've heard me say "I should write that entry about (blank) I've been meaning to write" and have been patiently waiting for?

Sekrit to aurora_84: I have not missed your three things request! I can just only come up with 2. I'm sure I will find another one if I look at emails with reccea from back then.

criminal minds, meme, life

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