
Apr 23, 2010 12:57

1) My application to re-take the bar is in the outgoing mail bin! I have procrastinated on this because...I don't mind taking the bar so much, but the three months of feeling guilty for doing anything other than studying for it is going to kill me. I didn't study enough last year, so I'm sure I will overcompensate this year. I am just hoping that overcompensating will = passage. Also, I am trying a different study program. Even though James Webb studied for a weekend and passed. *hates on James Webb*

2) I did not get the job I interviewed for last week. I've known since Monday, so I'm pretty over it, except for the part where they didn't want me. (After all, I don't think their office does monthly potlucks!) Thank you to everyone who left an encouraging message!

3) The whole potluck thing is probably not as hilarious if you don't know its provenance: Basically, sometime last year, the Iraq vet in our office announced that he was going to bring in his crock-pot with the 5 gallons of chili he'd made. He'd made it too spicy for his wife's tastes and he'd made so much of it, he felt he couldn't eat it himself, so he was going to bring it in to share. And one of the girls said, "Oh, like a potluck." And the next thing we knew, he had a rotation and was mailing out monthly potluck assignments. The hilarity is heightened when you know that he goes to bed at 9pm and owns two pugs. And he's only 28. wojelah is sure he's sekritly 50.

4) I am planning on buying a lawn mower this weekend. This is right up there with all the other house-type things I do that I dawdle on for months because they scare me. I am still working on fallen tree branch removal from February. *hangs head*

5) I did this entirely to get to number 5 - apparently my life is tragically dull. I put my name in the "I've always wanted to tell you..." meme. My link is here. I think it's supposed to be a meme about secrets or things you just never got a chance to tell someone instead of a love/hate meme, but I guess it works for anything? Who else did this one? There may be something I've always wanted to tell you! But didn't! Because I'm terribly shy and reticent and...okay, probably not. But you never know. Let me know if you're there.

bar exam mark ii, meme, work, house, fandom, life, potluck

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