Peace, Balance, Yada

Apr 19, 2010 01:16

1) Look, XKCD has captured my cat's deepest desires! (I don't actually have a laser pointer, and this is probably why.)

2) I finished the second season of Oz (I don't have a problem; I can stop any time) and I have realized that Oz is in Delaware. This does not actually surprise me in the least. Also, I cannot wait for Castle to be on tomorrow so I can watch tv where the regulars survive the episode.

3) I was extremely productive yesterday. a lot of rest today. And then realized my garage door is broken. So it probably balanced out to a decent weekend. At least that is what I am telling myself.

4) Work potluck is tomorrow! And I do not actually have to bring anything - it is my rotation off. I also have a Do Not Want doctor's appointment tomorrow. I figure these things balance out as well.

5) I am having a really hard time writing - have been for the last week or so. I have a couple of theories (one being that it's always hard to write the last part of something because that involves letting go of it but I don't think that's the one here...) and they are all making me uncharitably angry about things I don't want to be angry about. Maybe I can blame it on PMS. Note: This isn't a plea for sympathy or anything - I just wanted to vent instead of actually deal with it, which is what sympathy requires. I'd much rather talk about Oz. Or my cat.

oswald state penitentiary, life, marlowe, writing

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