
Dec 19, 2009 13:45

For those of you elsewhere, the Mid-Atlantic region is getting socked hard with blizzard-like conditions and potentially-record snowfalls.

* If anyone in the region would like to report in on their warmth and safety, please feel free to do so here. I am sure your friends (including me!) would appreciate knowing you're okay and planning to stay that way. Also if you are stuck somewhere but can see this, holler. Possibly someone is close enough to rescue you.

* I have email and limited internet (including LJ and gchat) on my phone but tv and internet services are not here yet. However, I have all seven (there's only seven, right?) episodes of White Collar, Band of Brothers, the John Adams mini-series, the entire series of Due South, (ETA: and Castle! And SyFy's Alice! And possibly many other things I have forgotten!) and a bunch of things I can rewatch, plus some fic to write and a living room full of crap from my garage to sort through. Even better, I have a little black cat who wants to cuddle.

* This is the first time I've actually been responsible for clearing sidewalk after it snows. Do I wait til it stops snowing? Do I shovel one intermediary time and then just wait? Should I do it every couple hours to keep it from building up? I've seen arguments for all. I don't have a lot to shovel - a portion of the front sidewalk and a back walk - and the first time I looked, none of my neighbors seemed to be out. The second time, the guy across the way had driven his 4-wheel drive out of his garage and was clearing snow off the stairs up to that row of houses. Maybe I should go out there and at least make a dent? What do ya'll think?


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