Bag of Goodies

Dec 18, 2009 11:40

I have gotten my Rossi/Prentiss Secret Santa story! It is A Room of One's Own by amichevole who did an amazing job with my hasty prompts. The pairing is Rossi/Prentiss (from Criminal Minds) and the rating is explicit. It's not about sex though - the sex is an integral part of their life and their relationship but it's really about listening and making the people you love happy. Go read it!

If you are in it for the sex though? Try smacky30's The Flesh is Willing which was written for wojelah. Because whoa.

BONUS: mingsmommy just posted the story she wrote for ilovetvalot - Christmas Dreams Become Memories and I am ALL AFLAIL. It spoils for "100" so tread carefully if you haven't watched yet, but if you have, you will CRY WITH HEARTBREAK AND JOY. I am just saying. I might have. At work. *cough* Also it contains the term "demented Christmas elf" which should be required for every Christmas fic. <3

(My story is still in progress! But it will be done before the deadline, which is 12/31!)

Like a gazillion other people, I have 10 coupons for non-paid members to try out a paid account for a year at a $10 discount. Holler if you would like one!

I also still have 22 Google Wave invites that I would be happy to share. Google Wave is (yet another) web-based chat program although I think this one has a lot of potential for group chats and collaboration, since you can do sub-threads and whatever. You don't have to have a gmail account to get it, although it'll prompt you to make one, I believe. It runs in Chrome and Firefox without problem, but if you'll be running it in IE, you'll need to install a Google frame for it. (I have not tried it in Safari or any other browser yet.) If you want one, send me an email or leave a comment with the email address where you would like to receive the invite. I can be found at my lj username on gmail.

Speaking of gmail, I still have 92 invites if anyone is dying for a gmail address and has somehow not yet acquired one. :)

In "me" news, we closed on the house on Wednesday (THANK GOODNESS, YAY), and my internet is scheduled to be activated on December 28th. I have my car back and am attempting to track down a duplicate title from two states ago. :P (Still not registered yet!) My Christmas shopping is nearly done, work has wound down for the year, and we're looking at a ridiculous snowstorm this weekend. I'm actually totally looking forward to being snowed in, except for the prospect of missing my sister's party. I am hoping that travel will still be okay on Saturday night so I can get robot cookies. *crosses fingers*

fic recs, recs, fandom

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