Smitty/Fandom OTP

Dec 07, 2008 20:45

The Fandom Appreciation Meme: My Thread

I think I first started hanging around the edges of fandom about 12 years ago. Fandom has introduced me to excellent friends, inspired me to do things I never thought I could do, and even taught me how to do those important things in repair drywall.

If you put your name in this meme, drop me a comment with a link. I'm going backward, but I'm only on page 12. If you don't want to do the meme, share a happy fannish memory with me - something you're proud of, something you're happy about, something that meant something special to you. A story you wrote, an award you won, a special piece of feedback you still go back and look at, a special friend you made.

Besides the drywall thing, I am grateful for all the people I've met, all the people who have become my best friends, and the kindness utter strangers have shown to me, the time people have spent helping me, and every word of encouragement that has helped me write another paragraph, get through another day of school, or get out of bed in the morning, knowing there were great things to be done. Thank you.

meme, fandom

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