I swore I wouldn't put any money toward
Annapolis when it came out but then my cousin's husband loaned me his copy and, well, I figured I should watch it before I saw him again at Thanksgiving.
What has completely baffled me about this movie is how they managed to get all the hard stuff right and all the easy stuff wrong. I won't list everything because that would be tedious, bitchy, and elitest, but there are a few things I would like to point out.
1) One might think from watcing this movie, that anyone at the Naval Academy cares about boxing. They don't. They haven't cared since Jim Webb and Ollie North duked it out. Boxing isn't even a varsity sport.
2) One might think from watching this movie that Annapolis is a place where they build ships. This is not true. Annapolis is a place where people sail ships. Annapolis is populated by very rich people who own their own sailboats and go out drinking on them every Sunday afternoon. There may very well be riveters in Annapolis but they aren't riveting on ships.
Things they got right: The uniforms, almost universally except for when they couldn't decide what season it was, the racks, the rooms (close enough for not having access to Bancroft Hall itself), the menus, the chow calls, and of all things, the plebe rates. (Someone obviously got hold of a copy of Reef Points.)
Things they got wrong: Everything else, including I-Day, the honor code, the whole obstacle course thing, and the plebe um, graduation...whatever. I was going to whine about how jumping from Bancroft Hall would fail as a suicide attempt but...it did, so. Good enough.
The Pit of Voles actually has no fanfic for this, probably because James Franco is so unattractive through most of it. Still, I totally want to see some.