New favorite SG-1 episode: Proving Ground
Well, first of all, I totally want to write Daniel and Teal'c playing evil bad guys for training scenarios until the cows come home. But other reasons.
Refresher: SG-1 is training new lietenants (at least 50% out of the Academy) to join the SGC. The team is Keras from the SGA ep Childhood's End, Boomer from BSG, Jennifer Hailey from the episode Prodigy and some guy named Grogan who keeps getting shot. (Which I find completely hilarious.) For some reason they keep putting Keras in charge even though he clearly can't decide what kind of ice cream he wants, much less who needs to be shot.
After they botch scenario #2, Jack gets a call from Sam and then goes to face a contingent of Hummers driving up...foothold situation, aliens have invaded the SGC. Jack goes off to save the world and the kids decide they're coming along. I pretty much realized the "foothold situation" was another training scenario from Jack's pitiful (and pitifully obvious) and well-timed groan from his "injury" forcing the kids to decide to leave him behind...until Hailey shot someone with an M9 that Jack had (not actually) said contained live rounds.
Blah, blah, it becomes apparent that it's a test, they win except oh noes! Hailey dies in a one-in-a-million fluke situation and Keras has to sacrifice himself to get the iris closed. Except wait! Hailey's still alive (and oddly not covered with radiation burns!) and the whole thing was yet another test. I...suspected this, but wasn't sure because neither Jack nor Sam flew off the handle as they're wont to do when the can't fix things/save people. Them taking a kid's death with grace is just so totally out of character that I started to wonder.
But anyway it was all heartwarming and TEAM! and fabulous so I love it.
Although now I'm all WTF? that Hailey has graduated from the Academy now. She was introduced in season 4, and (besides being too annoying to be a doolie) I figured she was a second or third class because they just then seemed to figure out that she was smart and also bored. It would make sense for her to be a first class because of the classes she was taking, the theoretical papers and experiments she was working on and the timing of this episode, but I'm a little skeptical on 1) her actually getting kicked out in her last year for hitting someone, and 2) hi, all the firsties are bored. It's pretty much a state of being for them. So I guess the best way to look on it is to assume she was a second class (junior) at the end of her second semester when she was busy telling off Sam and assume it's been just over a year. I suppose I could go back to Prodigy and actually look at her shoulderboards but that would be, you know, work.
*back to the porn*