Jan 07, 2014 12:08
Found my gloves! yay! Found in the one bag I ignored that had been sitting in my own very closet! Just in time.
Outside was 10F when I headed to my yoga place. It's just a mile away and yet I took the car. It didn't feel so bad the first three minutes walking. oh dear me!
My heart and prayers go out to those who are homeless. Arlington opened up its Winter Shelter. Hope there was enough room for those who needed/need it!
D is in school. They opened two hours late.
and oh.. I have cold water rag on my chin as I scaled it as I spilt the hot water. Maybe a good thing none of it actually went in my mouth. sigh. how stupid of me!
Yoga class was wonderful! Didn't realize I had all the little muscles in me! I had found several free sites to do yoga at home. But I knew I needed more live teaching as am sure there are a ton of stuff I was doing wrong! It was really refreshing and a workout in itself! woot!