Pagan Pride & Other Things

Sep 11, 2005 22:02

One reason I hope the sleep issue turns out to be thyroid issues is because then I stand a chance of having my sleep issues return to normal sometime relatively soon. Which would be good.

When we were discussing plans for this weekend's Pagan Pride Day, we talked about who could volunteer for what & in particular who could be there to set-up at 8 am. I told them all that the sleep stuff I've got going on, There was no way I could garuntee that I'd make it for that. What I should have told them was that if I hadn't shown up by noon, they should call me. Because I slept through all 3 of my alarms & finally opened my eyes to the sound of a crow crying outside my window to realize that the light was coming in from the wrong direction. Shit. Grabbed my glasses so i could see the clock-- yikes. After 5???? They're going to kill me. In fact, I almost didn't go, but I knew I'd be pissed at myself if I didn't. I did figure my grovies would be pretty pissed. Instead they were all happy to see me & George gave me a big hug.

The turnout was pretty damn impressive- over 150 people. I didn't realize there were that many Pagans in Erie. It was fun- I got to see a lot of folks I haven't seen much of lately. I even got to see my old dance troupe. Better yet, I found out that I can start taking lessons again. whooo-ho! :)

Whispering Lake lead the main Rite. It went really well, except that folks didn't realize they could leave the rite. Normally not a big deal except that the sun went down during the rite & the temperature dropped. Quite a number of cold folks around. But still, a powerful ritual & I had a blast drumming.

The event itself was pretty succesful. Money was raised for Katrina victims, and a local shelter for abused women. And money was raised to hold the event next year, too, which is also cool.

Less cool, although somewhat amusing, was my discovery that wheelchairs can stagger. Four kids in wheelchairs were weaving all over the road when I was coming home last night. Two of the them were holding on to each other. It really looked like 4 college kids staggering home from the bar, except for the wheels. That they were in the road in the first place was odd as there's sidewalks everywhere around here. EUP has a pretty significant disabled population- & a kick-ass wheelchair basketball team.

WLG had a business meeting scheduled for today already so when the idea came around for all the groves to do a rite for the Katrina victims, it got added in. The Liturgy crew was originally going to do a full blessing rite but fortunately Kelly realized that with all the PPD stuff there was no way she could do that, too. Instead it was a simple rite, very stripped down. Pretty cool. Of course, I almost missed it because I didn't wake up until 4:30. I'd crashed not too long from getting home last night. In bed & asleep by 2:00 am at the latest. Still slept late. Ugh.

And, despite my level of geekery, I have still not managed to properly program my VCR.

So, positive thoughts my way for Monday afternoon. Or would that be negative thoughts, since what I'm hoping for is to fail the test & have the disease.

pagan, thyroid, dance, wlg, mood

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