"All the Llamas Are For Obama At The Fair..."

Sep 01, 2008 00:50

Today's Blog Title comes to you from Garrison Keilor & A Prairie Home Companion. I caught a little bit of it on Saturday & he was singing a very funny song about the Llamas at the Minnesota State Fair. That was my favorite line from the whole thing. :-)

I had the house to myself for most of the weekend as Mom went down to Penn State/ State College with Aunt D to visit Cousin E who just started there last week & catch a football game. Mom said E's having a good time. There were so many kids in his room Friday night that she couldn't tell if there were beds in the room or not. :-) Aunt D got very angsty about leaving her "little boy" down there. Mom said she didn't remember ever feeling that way about any of us, except maybe a little when they took Sis to the military school, which was due to the officers at the just sort of whisking her away without warning. I told Mom that's because she treated us like adults more than kids whereas Aunt D definitely thinks her kids are her babies for life. So while Mom was gone, I took advantage of having unfettered access to the TV in the living room & watched the entirety of Season Four of Stargate:Atlantis. I *SOOOOOOO* miss getting to watch that- & the Sci-Fi channel in general. I'm also really missing the Daily Show- I so want to see what all Jon has to say about the upcoming elections.

I did do some other things besides watching the drool-worthy Col. Shepard & company (why can't I meet a guy like that in real life? Oh, yeah- because he's fictional). For one, I got a wireless card for my pathetic desktop so Mom & I can proceed with Phase 2 of Moving All My Stuff To The Basement. Teh computer room is kinda crowded with both of our computers in here. I also stopped at a local computer shop & talked with the guy about getting a new machine & how much it would cost. It seems that if I want to stay with XP instead of Vista (which he thought I should to make sure my expensive graphic design programs will work on it), I need to get it by the end of the year. So I'm debating on getting a credit card. I haven't had one for ages because my credit rating got screwed by my ex because all the bills he decided not to pay were the ones in my name (particularly irritating to me given that I was the one who was working so it was my money). Turns out that enough time has passed that my credit rating's much better now than it was. Still not fabulous, but decent.

I also stopped by the B&N I used to work at & finally got to see my buddy J who got me the job there. I'd sent him an e-mail shortly after I got fired apologizing profusely for screwing it up because he hadn't been at the store when I'd stopped by to talk to him & every single time I've been in that store since, I've missed him. But he was actually there on Friday & gave me a big hug when he saw me. I'm relieved to know that he's not mad at me & he was glad to hear that I had a good job that I liked. (aspasia93, he said to say Hi. So, "Hi!" from your old husband. ;-D ) I even got *really* lucky & found the CD I was looking for in stock so I didn't have to order it like I expected. Well, not the exact CD. I'd wanted Honey's Dead from The Jesus & Mary Chain. I used to have it but it got stolen & I've decided that I want to do a sword routine to "Reverence" for the Buffalo Haflaween. What they did have was the 21 Singles album, which means not only to I have Reverence, I've got Sidewalking from Barbed Wire Kisses (which I have on tape) & a bunch of other wonderful tunes. Yay!

Yesterday, I got invited out to a Stag & Drag by Lissa. It was fun, although I didn't stay very late because Lissa & her boy had to go & I didn't know anyone else so I left with them. I've come to realize something about myself lately, though. I really need to get out & meet people more. I am a social creature by nature & it does me a world of good to go out & have fun with friends. I also think I need to go back to my old attitude towards guys. Which is to say, flirt with them & talk & be unafraid to make a pass at a guy I like. Because I really ought to date more. And by "more" I mean at all, since I haven't been. Amusingly, they had fortune cookies at the party & mine said, "In order to win, you have to participate!" Very true. And I've been kinda kicking myself because there was a guy there I thought was kinda cute (pretty eyes) & I couldn't get up the nerve to talk to him. I get very irritated with myself when I get skittish like that.

Other than that, I rearranged my bedroom again. I love having a hardwood floor- it makes it so much easier to just push things around. Mom & I want to bring my vanity up from downstairs so I had to move stuff around to make room. It'll make the room a little more crowded but the extra drawers will mean that I'll be able to fit my clothes into my dresser & the vanity & then be able to shut said drawers. Because right now I can't close 3 drawers in my dresser because they're just too full of stuff. :-P

home, npr, llamas, bellydance, election 08, obama, music, dating, men

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