It's Out!

Apr 23, 2008 13:17

And Skip's Ogham book is out!

Check it out!

For those wondering, this would be the big book project that I'd been working on for a good portion of the last year. I do pre-press/typesetting/layout & design work for ADF Publishing (on a volunteer basis, alas-- I'd love for them to be able to pay us.) Chapter 3 was a nightmare because of all the photos in it, all of which I converted to b&w from color so they'd print better.

I haven't seen a print copy of it yet, so I don't know what it looks like in print, but I was very, very happy with how it looked in the galley. This is also the same book project that I showed to the agency I interviewed that they found so impressive.

(I picked up erynn999's Ogam book while I was working on this one. I'm looking forward to seeing how they compare- which I'll do once I finish Golden Bough & Trickster-- or at least Trickster)

Up next- Cei's book! :-)

adf, publishing, book, graphic design, design, adf press

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