Building a Tardis Part 1

May 15, 2012 21:57

So I started building a TARDIS-Bookshelf for myself. Yeah.

I thought, maybe someone of you might be interested how things are going or how the fuck one even BUILDS a TARDIS, so yeah.

My father (who is awesome) and me started out with a plan.

Or more accurately, about five different plans. He had no idea what a TARDIS even was in the first place and just had to respond to my awesome idea. I, on the other hand, knew what a TARDIS was, but had no idea of how to build one.

(Also, I am a girl and thus wasn't considered worthy of learning how to work with wood in school.)

After deciding on a plan, we had to make a shopping list for material. Which was also probably the most funny and confusing thing I ever did. (My brother and my father started fighting each other with sausages in the middle of it.)

Also, maths was involved.

So on a sunny saturday my father and I spent half a day in a store for homeworking. And ended up buying a little something.

That little something costed more than half my salary but made me very happy in my heart.

Not so much our car, which had to transport all that stuff.

I am still not sure how we even made it back home without any accidents.

We started out with the base. To give you an idea of how big the whole thing's gonna get, here's it in comparison with me.

After that we were finally able to put together the corner pillars.

Those will stabilize the walls and look awesome and hide all the flaws we will do with the walls.

These photos are all kind of old, so I already know what is going to happen. (dun-dun-duuuuuun)

This was a test run on the logs that will go on the walls.

Those parts were actually the most expensive ones, because we had to buy, like, 16 of 'em.

They were also fun to saw off, but a pain to get off the wood, after we glued them on. But more about that in a later post.

One door so far.

At that time we were still convinced, that it'd work like that.

Later it turned out, that it didn't.

One wall put up:

It stands!!

The whole arrangement was changed later though, but for now it stands.

That's it for now, stay tuned for the next part of me building a TARDIS.


Accuracy and carefulness are extremely important. Pencil lines have to be exact.

Lesson: learned.

pics, doctor who, tardis, smirli is building a tardis

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