[Fic:] Coping {25 days of HD}

Dec 20, 2021 22:55

Title: Coping
Word Count: 466
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: picture of a winged man, where one wing is damaged
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: They belonged together... they just need to learn how to cope together.
Author's Notes: creature-fic

In life rearly anything goes according to plan. For the most part Harry was fine with that. He would have died in the war otherwise, so he had very little to complain. Well, except for the minor inconvenience of turning into a Veela. That is not something he was even prepared for, what the wizarding world was not prepared for.

And it wouldn't have happened, at least that was what he had been told, if Draco Malfoy had never been turned. Or they wouldn't have met afterwards.

His strain of Veela had been dormant for generations. The reason behind that... well that was the mystery.
There are two opinions on what was going on: either it was his Veela instinct that was too strong and needed a partner that could handle it. Or it was Draco who needed a partner to balance his wolf creature.
Some were even saying that both answers could be true at the same side, though Harry wasn't certain how that could be.

But that was just the theory behind it all. The truth was they were killing each other slowly.

Neither of them could even stand the touch of anybody else, or the smell of someone else on the other. But at the same time they could not stand to be next to each other.

The last fight was particularly bad. His wing got broken, his face scratched and he had a deep bite in the back, where the wing grew out.

Draco on the other hand, could barely walk, has nearly lost an eye, and a deep bite mark on his neck.

Luckily for Harry Veelas cannot be turned. And Draco could call himself lucky that he had a good healing rate.

But they had to face it, they could not go on like this.

"You awake?"

"Not enough to finish you off, if you want to know."

"You hurt?"

"Are you serious? My body is fixing itself as fast as it can. It is not a particularly nice sensation. But i feel like I should not complain. What is your wing doing?"

"Hurting, then feeling kinda numb. Do you... does it need help to be fixed? I don't want to call anyone."

Draco hmmed, before with heavy breathing and slight groaning he got up and walked over to Harry.

"Careful now," he said, before he caressed the broken wing, beginning at the healthy part and slowly working his way up to the broken tip.

It was annoying how they understood each other. How he didn't have to say, that he didn't want to be touched by anybody else.

"Your magic is already flowing through it. It might take a while, but it will heal," Draco said, before he simply lay down next to Harry.

"We need to stop... this," Harry said starting to lie down on his stomach, his head in Draco's lap.

"Easier said than done. I can't even remember why we started in the first place."

"Don't think about it." Harry sighed. "I do want you in my life-."

"You just drive me insane. I know the feeling. Fucking instincts."

"Fucking genes." Harry looked up towards Draco. "We will survive this, right?"

"Certainly. The bite didn't kill me, the Dark Lord failed to kill you. I am confident that we won't manage to off each other.

Harry snorted. "What a vote of confidence."

"Confidence is currently the only thing I have left. Will you help me to the bath?"

Harry laughed. "Sure. I will even fill it with hot water, if you do the salt thing again, and make it all pretty and relaxing."

"Deal," Draco agreed. "But give me five more minutes."

"I am not planning to move anytime soon," Harry replied.

And through it was painful, and uncomfortable and ludicrous. He also felt a calm that he never experienced before.

This entry was originally posted at https://smirkingcat.dreamwidth.org/309350.html comments will be seen sooner over at @lj

pairing: hpdm, challenge, slythindor100's 25 days of christmas, fanfiction, 2021, fandom, genre: fluff

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