Apr 16, 2005 14:40
I am a wage slave.
I remember when I worked for about a month as a Total Home Cleaning System (their clever way of not calling it a vacuum) sales person for Rexair, better known as Rainbow. When I was introduced to the concept, the man selling the job to us told us that JOB was an acronym which meant Just Over Broke. It's unfortunate, isn't it, that although the JOB he sold was a near hoax he was right on the money.
I'm going to college, Mott right now though in about two or three semesters I will be going to Oakland to get a BA in Journalism and at least an Assoaciates and Sociology. I work a job at near 30 hours a week, though normally it doesn't exceed 26. There is a lot of stress in my life that I bypass by joking about it or screaming to release tension when alone in my car.
Hey, whatever gets you though, right?
The job I work isn't an easy one. I work as a gas station attendant, constantly cleaning up messes of people who fail to take responsibility for themselves, and keeping the place running as smoothley as possible when I'm there alone. The people that come in are often inconsiderate, rude and at best obnoxiously stupid. On top of that, there is a corporation that runs an entire string of gas stations. I was recently told that the turn over rate for non-management emplyees at DMJ Corp, or as most would recognize it, Mobile One Stops, is 100%.
I make $6.40 an hour, plus commissions on sold car washes. This means that I average out about $7.00 an hour with ease. However, this doesn't save my ass from the fire. I can save and penny pinch, but every week I have to pay for at least 15 dollars in gas, whatever vaious bills crop up, food for groceries or fast food (if we didn't pool any money and buy some) and the various other expenses that come alon the way. Rent is due at the end of each month.
Budgeting works, I can make my bills, but I normally have very little left over for me. I am often Just Over Broke. I still find my ways to enjoy my life as much as possible. I don't see friends, besides the ones I live with, often because we chose such a far away place to live (Daivson - 20m-30m to Flushing, depending on location) and as such find ways to entertain myself here in Davison..
It bothers me that people such as myself are little cared for and completely shit upon by the public at large. It really does.
In my personal life, Holly and I are no more. Am I heart broken? Maybe a little, but it wasn't hard for me to get over. After saying, "I love you.." I began to search for gestures of such feelings from the other end. Without those feelings present (and I looked, trust me I did) the reliationship ended in mutual understanding and no hard feelings. Holly and I still talk at school and though she doesn't actually call (no real change from before) we still have a good, friendly relationship.
Cashing in my chips, though, I am currently 'going out with' (in a society that does nothing but label, there's a name for everything) a wonderful gal named Elizabeth. She's fun, understanding and older than me (for once) and I'm looking forward to seeing where this relationship goes. At the moment I wouldn't label it particularily 'long term' but in all honesty, I don't know her very well nor her I, and things have a habbit of growing a life of their own.
Yesterday, I flipped out on our kitchen and, directly (though mostly through frustrated angst) my roommates. It was less out of anger and more out of sudden frustration.
Have you ever taken and set yourself outside a situation and ananylzed it for purpose and reason? I do this a lot when things like this happen. More often than not, I am a very controlled person. This incident wasn't just me yelling, this was me at full throttle fury, screeching and all which most people haven't had the benefit of experiencing (you're missing out on some real hillarity, trust me). The filth that has surrounded me since living with Randall on Terrace Hill Apartments finally got the better of me as three empty alchohol bottles fell from atop the fridge onto two unsuspecting glass bowl below used to feed and water the cats.
At that point, the filth of the situation stopped being funny to me.
I remember, very specifically, being very suprised as the bottles fell and then listening to the smashing of the poor, innocent bowls below. I remember the rage filling my head and bashing against all the sides therein.
I always told Chris that it was his anger that would be his eventual downfall. For myself, similar criticizm must take place and I will now announce that frustration, not anger, will be mine. Though in this instant, my roommates were all together too forgiving of something I know I would be overly critical of if seeing somebody else do the same thing, and we rather promptly cleaned the house (stop by, you'll see it cleaner than ever before) I know that I have to be careful as to how future moments like this occur.
I am hoping that we can keep this place as clean as it is now. It won't be difficult, it will just take some discipline. Unforunately, I don't think I can take any more filth in my life, I'm through with it.
This is the dawning of a new Thorne.
There's my update for now. I have to take a shower and head to work.
....we'll see how that goes, heh.