Sep 03, 2008 19:33
Sorry for the scare, everyone! The dragon really didn't mean any harm and it's all gone now. I apologise for not giving anyone a warning about what we were doing but there was just a little bit of a mix-up and not everything went quite as planned. Still, no harm done as far as I can tell. We now have enough water to get us back in the air so we should be ready to go by some time tomorrow morning.
Kambei, thank you for spreading my message. To the Captain and everyone else, I take full responsibility for the lack of notice and any concern it may have caused. Please forgive me.
Unless anyone wants to yell at me I think I'm going to bed. It's way past overdue a bit late.
better 2 ask forgiveness than permission,
mechanic at work,
just a little misunderstanding,
very very sorry,
can i plz fall down nao?,
using a loaned journal,
someone's going to be in trouble,
mah journal iz broke