My day so far....

Aug 18, 2011 14:33

Ok so we all know that our generation is all about being famous. that's why we have youtube and facebook stati. (is that the plural of status? hehe) SO here's me filling my need to be recognised as doing something worthwhile with my day with my online friends.. so that i can gain some recognition... (hehe. no really. I am ok!).

* Got up with Jero at 7:45am and drove him to the bus for work.
* Collected Census forms for 2.5hours in the drizzle with my awesomely big golf umbrella that Jero bought me. It was very awkward.
* Drove into Kingston and got a coffee and rasberry danish. MMMMMM. sat outside of Coles and watched people go by as I drank my coffee. Watched people get stuck behind the automatic doors that were'nt exactly 100% automatic! Got talked to by a random older lady.
* Bought my groceries. Budget was $40. Spent $82.... I had a list and everything..
* Drove to the post office and got the mail from our PO Box. Only 2 things were for us out of the stuffed box. (whole farm's mail goes to the one box.) Posted a parcel.
* Went to the bank and dropped in my payslips so we can hopefully get a personal loan to go to Jamiaca in Oct.
* Went to the newsagent and cashed in Jero's birthday scratchies. He won $3.
* Drove home and fed the neighbours chickens. Got heaps muddy...
* Unloaded the car and packed away the groceries.
* Ate lunch. Checked my emails.
* Blogged.

I still wish to go make the bed and maybe do the dishes. If i could be bothered. THen i'm going to pick up Jero from school.

The end.
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