Why are there always So many dishes?!

Aug 09, 2011 10:12

This morning's blog is about domesticity. Is that even a word? I'm sitting here with Kerri-Ann on the telly talking about the "Ahh Bra", it's 10am and I'm eating my vegimite toast and about to make a coffee and I'm still in my pyjama's! To top it off I'm wearing a fluffy purple dressing gown that reminds me of my mum!! I was up at 8am with my wonderful husband as he got ready for work (Chaplaincy) and made his lunch! Our lounge room may as well be a chinese laundry with clothes and sheets hanging from all available roof space trying to dry! To top it off there's a large pile of dishes that are bugging me to wash them and the pile never seems to go away - how can 2 people create so many dishes!!! :)

This picture of my life now, at almost 25 is so different to my life as a single 20-something year old. And i wouldn't change it for the world!! Making homemade cards and scarves and beanies and burgers and all sorts of things is wonderfully creative. Attempting to grow apple and pumpkin seeds on purpose that fail, and finding garlic and potatoes sprouting without me even trying is frustratingly fulfilling!

It's like i've actually reached the stage of life that I always dreamed about when i was a kid. I've always looked up to my mum and wanted to be just like her. to have a home, and a husband and a family to care for. I think i'm certainly on my way to acheiving all of that.. Especially with such a caring and supportive and fun-loving husband to share this life with!!! :)

Have a great day! Kylie.
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