Nightmare I had last night.

Jul 25, 2012 01:53

You changed your facebook picture
to a picture of your new house.
It was a beautiful house
and was more vivid than anything.
I realized that the house
happened to be in my neighborhood.
I walked through the endless roads
past the never-ending houses
until I came to your house.
"I shouldn't be here,"
I thought.
"I know I shouldn't be here."
I tried to go back home,
but I became disoriented.
The roads seemed to expand
and the houses multipied.
I couldn't figure out
where I was
or how to get home anymore.
Next thing I knew,
I woke up in the front yard
of a house a few doors down
from yours.
I didn't know why
I was there
or how long I had been there.
I came home
to news reporters
and a house full of disturbing items.
My mom told me
that horrible things
had been done to me
and there were videos
on TV.
I saw bloody and blackened towels
pieces of organs
metal tools
and I could only imagine
what had been done to me.
Everyone was asking questions,
but I couldn't remeber anything at all.
I wondered why
they had left me.
Why they took the items
from the scene
but left me there alone.
People were calling me,
asking if I was okay.
That's when I thought
since all of this happened
near your house
and since everyone knew about it
You must be worried
Surley, you would call.
But you didn't.
No word from you at all.
I then took a walk through a forest park
and saw you and the girl I've disliked
and been bullied by
since elementary school
laughing in the tree.
You touched her face and kissed her.
Kissed her again.
Like I never existed,
like I didn't matter.
You didn't care at all.
But I got hurt because I went to your house.
Because I wanted to see you.
Though I knew I shouldn't,
I wanted to see you.

I have nightmares all the time.
I used to fear them,
but now I'm grateful for them
because they teach me about
myself, what I'm feeling,
what I need to face,
and what I need to let go of.


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