sleeping habits

Oct 02, 2008 09:47

so I've been pondering my sleeping habits. specifically why I have a preference to one side of the bed vs. the other. Is it proximity to the door? Or some navigational direction I prefer facing? Or a complete made up preference from some kind of 'feeling'?

At my current apartment I sleep on the right side, next to the wall. But it's also in a loft upstairs and is closest to the door. And my head is pointed west. At my last apartment my head was also pointing west, and I was also closest to the door and on the right side of the bed. At my pearl apartment my head pointed east and I was on the left..closest to the door. And right now I'm house sitting for my parents and sleeping head pointed south, on the right side closest to a wall and it feels wrong.

So is it the direction that's wrong? Or that I'm farthest from the door? Or both? When I used to sleep in this room I had my bed set up head pointing west. And there wasn't really a side to the bed cause I was in a twin then and slept alone.

Maybe it's just as many of those factors that I can make the same. But why do I prefer to point my head west? And why do I want to be closest to the door? And why do I prefer to sleep on my left side?

Obviously this is useless ponderment.
Spell check says ponderment isn't a word.

pondering aside, hi friends.
I'm unemployed now. Haven't done that in about five years, since I started working. What am I doing you ask?
well I just finished my website ( which left me scot free to pursue potential future employers. and by pursue I mean e-mail them a cover letter and link to website. I did that yesterday.
Surprisingly enough I've had one response already. He did say that it was more for information than for a job, but I figure since it was a creative partner of the agency getting back to me that that's a good thing, considering I sent it to HR. I'll call him back a little later into the day to schedule a meet and greet.

Other than playing the waiting game with said potential future employers, I am learning dreamweaver both by practicing and by reading through this 1000 page book about everything you need to know about dreamweaver. I'm also learning css, which is an uphill battle. That's the problem with coding. It doesn't work if you just get one part wrong. Must learn the language.

Really, today what I'm doing is watering the lawn. yes. it takes all morning. because my parents have this huge yard. and there are like 25 'zones' my dad pointed out to me that each need to be watered for half an hour. I appreciate him buying the sprinklers where there are 3 to one hose so it takes a little less time. But honestly, by the time I go around and set them all up it's almost time to go around again to re-place them. In my down time between that, I'm chasing my cat around the house.

My dad's retired so him and freddy the cat usually get a lot more quality time together. So this cat is slightly high maintenance on the attention front. And super energetic.

plusses to housesitting:
+ they have a dish washer. I don't at my place
+ extra space. my place is small. there's not really a lot of room to walk around. this place has rooms AND hallways
+ the backyard is pretty sweet. need to get out there with some citronella candles.
+ my mom bought me oreos. lol.

this is long now, sorry. I'm just babbling till i have to go outside to switch around the sprinklers again.
in conclusion,
unknown sleeping correlations, job hunting, cat and sprinklers.
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