clearly already failing those new year's resolutions

Jan 26, 2014 19:52

Oh my gosh, what happened to January??

Super late (I'm so sorry) thanks to lorilann for the holiday card and to black_eyedgirl for the holiday card and bonus fic (Oh, Steve. Oh, Avengers. This somewhat reminded me of our family Christmas where some people are social and the rest of us hide in the video game room, lol.)

For Yuletide I got a fabulous Miss Marple story:

Murder at the Fete by Vyola [Miss Marple - Jane Marple] - When murder strikes unseen, only Miss Marple can sort through means, motive, and opportunity to reveal the killer.
Miss Marple is just my favorite and this was really everything I wanted, right down to being in the vein of my favorite Tuesday Club Murders.

And I wrote 2 fics:

Grimoire - [Sleepy Hollow - Ichabod Crane & Abbie Mills] “There’s a note that says equine saliva can be substituted for the goat blood,” Crane says helpfully.
Oh, Sleepy Hollow. So crazy and yet so entertaining.

The Restorer: Vol 2 No 13 - [A Study in Emerald (Neil Gaiman) - John Watson & Sherlock Holmes] I killed Prince Franz Drago of Bohemia.
I discovered this fandom in someone's Yuletide letter and it was very relevant to my interests. If you haven't heard of it, go read it immediately. Attempting formatting with CSS almost defeated me but I quite like how this turned out.

Also I finished new fic today!

Victory Braid - [LOTR/The Hobbit - Legolas & Gimli] When Gimli brings home an elf with dwarven promise braids in his hair, Glóin is forced to come to the painful conclusion that his beloved son took one too many blows to the head during the many illustrious battles he’d fought in the war.
Because The Hobbit and all the prompts on the meme have made we want all the post-ROTK meet-the-family fics ever.

yuletide, my fic

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