Title: Okaeri, Hikki
Author: smile-arigatou
Pairing: Sakurai Sho x Utada Hikaru
Summary: Sho and Hikki are married, and it's the morning of her comeback announcement.
A/N: Because Hikki is coming back and between that and the News Zero theme she's doing my ShoxHikaru heart has just not been able to contain itself. Unbetaed. Sorry guys! Enjoy anyway!
The cold air came in through the window, making the early morning breeze bring goosebumps to her skin as she rolled over to try and hide under the covers. The sun shone through the room, lighting it up so brightly that she really couldn’t escape the inevitable truth that she had to get up now or she would just be wasting time.
As if on cue, the bedroom door opened and she felt the bed bend under the weight that was placed next to her.
“Hikaru,” the husky voice sang before the man lay a gentle kiss on her forehead. “You have to get up now.”
She frowned before finally opening her eyes to see her handsome husband sitting in front of her. “I don’t want to get up,” Hikaru smiled sweetly.
Sho only laughed. “I know,” he said. “But our baby boy might not enjoy it too long if he wakes up before us. You know how demanding he is in the morning.”
At the mention of her son, Hikaru sat up and rubbed her eyes to get the sand out. After she yawned, she looked over at Sho. “Have they made the announcement yet?”
Sho nodded. “They did,” he yawned. “The fans are going insane. I’m surprised Twitter hasn’t shut down yet. The sakura tree on the website is pretty, too.”
“Well of course,” Hikaru smiled. She lay her head on his shoulder. “It’s springtime, and I’m technically a Sakurai now. Seemed only fitting that I made this announcement with a sakura tree.”
“And you told Francesco about all this before the news hit, right?”
“I told him to expect it to get crazy at work. He was fine by it.” Hikaru stopped suddenly and looked at Sho, thinking over her words before she spoke. “Are you sure this whole lie with Francesco was the right thing to do?”
Sho sighed. “I’m never sure. However, we couldn’t really tell the whole world that you’re married to me. And with you being pregnant, we had to do something. Johnny was about to have my head when I told him the news.”
“And you think going to work with a baby is a good idea?”
“I think it’s a great idea,” Sho beamed as he looked back at her. “Besides, I get to spend more time with you at the recording studio, and our little boy will get to learn all about his parents as he gets older.”
Hikaru smiled and wrapped her arms around her husband. He always seemed to know what to say exactly in the right way to make her feel better. She had been so nervous with this comeback, but now she felt as if it was really the best decision for everyone.
“C’mon, Miss Utada-Sakurai,” Sho said suddenly as he stood up. “I’m hungry, and I want to make you waffles to celebrate your official coming back.” He reached out his hand and bowed slightly. “Okaeri, Hikki.”
Hikaru laughed, taking his outreached hand to help her out of bed. Yep, she thought. Everything will be just fine.
Comments are love!!