
Oct 25, 2008 18:11

I had another one of my recurring-theme dreams about nuclear war last night.

I was up in my room and saw on the TV that the Russians had launched a full-scale attack on us (the announcer sounded pretty bored, though). I ran downstairs to inform mom, and she told me to take out the garbage. Strangely enough, I complied, and while I was walking out to the trash, I saw flashes to the south indicating the bombing of targets in Ohio. I looked above and saw what appeared to be fighter jets launching missiles down below...at me. (Well, not at ME, but with a nuclear weapon, it's easy to be indiscriminate with your targets). I saw one of the missiles fly over my house, headed presumably towards the nuclear power plant. So, I did my last-ditch plan that I have in the eventuality I'm about to die: I repeat my name in my head over and over as hard as I can, with the hope that -- in the absence of an afterlife -- I'm able to stay conscious after death through sheer force of will. White flash.

(That's an actual plan, by the way, not just something from a dream).

Anyway, I woke up after the flash.
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